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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Experiences Building a Hypervideo-based Web App with Ember.js, Popcorn.js and HTML5

Experiences Building a Hypervideo-based Web App with Ember.js, Popcorn.js and HTML5



Thomas Herrmann discusses the advantages, challenges and lessons learned in building a multimedia-heavy, interactive HTML5 application with Ember.js.


Thomas Herrmann

About the conference

Ember Fest is Europe’s biggest Ember.js conference. In 2013 the conference was held in Munich, Germany and contained a two-day training course, a hackathon and a full day conference. Training and talks were held by people with first hand Ember.js experience, sharing their knowledge and spreading the word on Ember.js’ awesomeness! In 2014, Ember Fest will be held during the last week of August.

Recorded at:

Nov 24, 2013