InfoQ Homepage Ethics Content on InfoQ
Psychology of Ethics 101
Andrea Dobson discusses why people behave unethically and what can be done about it, including social psychology research on behavior, ethics and company culture, and anti-patterns to avoid.
Ethics in Computing, from Academia to Industry
Kathy Pham highlights considerations of ethics, social responsibility, and long-term impacts of software industry products, and the culture to build software and services for all people.
Spurring the Ethical Imagination
Natalie Evans Harris discusses how to incorporate ethical decision-making and identify ethical dilemmas working with data.
Organizing for Your Ethical Principles
Liz Fong-Jones discusses how to effectively accomplish change in our working conditions or our employer's products through grassroots employee advocacy.
Ethics in Computing Panel
The panelists discuss the important points around privacy, security, safety online, and intent of software today.
How to Use Data Responsibly
Emma Prest and Clare Kitching discuss practical, pragmatic and ethical data science, talking about real world experience from the work of DataKind UK.
Privacy Ethics – A Big Data Problem
Raghu Gollamudi broadly covers best practices with respect to Data Management aspects from mapping Enterprise data to applying Data Protection rules like GDPR at petabyte scale.
What is a Data Citizen?
Caitlin McDonald discusses how big data affects people online and the ethics to be considered when dealing with data.
When Data Kills
Cori Crider shares insights from her investigations of US drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan, and explores how misuse of mass surveillance data has claimed innocent lives.
Ethical Tech - A Psychologist's Perspective
Alexander Steinhart lives and works in Berlin and has a rather interesting background in psychology as well as technology.
Tech Ethics in Action Panel
The panelists discuss the role of ethics in software engineering.
Responsibly Smashing Pandora’s Box
Yanqing Cheng takes a philosophical look at personal roles in a shifting world to answer the question: "what are our ethical responsibilities as tech innovators today?"