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  • Forrester Recommend Cloud Maturity Fixes in HashiCorp's 2024 State of Cloud Strategy Survey

    HashiCorp's 2024 State of Cloud Strategy Survey, conducted by Forrester Consulting, provides critical insights into cloud adoption and maturity among global enterprises. The study surveyed nearly 1,200 organisations, revealing a significant disparity in cloud maturity levels, with only 8% of respondents qualifying as highly cloud mature.

  • Continuous Delivery Speeds Up Innovation

    Thoughtworks recently published a whitepaper including a maturity model for continuous delivery (or CD) as a response to research indicating that most companies understand the importance of innovation, but are not able to deliver software quickly enough to meet the needs of business leaders.

  • Forrester Proclaims Data Virtualization Technology Coming of Age

    Businesses have been strangled by high integration costs from ETL and DBMS consolidation initiatives which still leads to information silos and a broken data infrastructure. Forrester in its latest report claims that data virtualization driven by technological advances and customer successes is ready for massive adoption.