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Inside SpringSource with Rod Johnson
In this interview conducted at the SpringOne 2GX conference, Rod Johnson talks about the new advancements SpringSource is bringing to the enterprise Java space, including new cloud options. Johnson discusses open-source Java in general, including the flap over the direction of OpenJDK and Apache Harmony. And he delves into the new Code2Cloud effort from SpringSource and Tasktop, and much more.
Avi Bryant on DabbleDB, Smalltalk and Persistence
In this interview, Avi Bryant talks about the Smalltalk web framework Seaside, DabbleDB, using Smalltalk images for persistence instead of an RDBMs, GemStone and more.
Avi Bryant on MagLev and GemStone
In this interview, Avi Bryant talks about working on GemStone's MagLev, a Ruby implementation built on the GemStone S64 VM. Avi explains the reasons for MagLev, the merits of GemStone's persistence and distribution features, and the future with multiple Ruby implementations.