InfoQ Homepage Hardware Content on InfoQ
Automating Bare Metal to Improve Your Quality of Life
Julia Kreger discusses the competing forces and some use cases where Bare Metal is vital, emerging trends that are pushing the boundaries of hardware today, and the importance of automation.
Uncomplex: Modern Hardware for Better Software
John O'Hara discusses how recent hardware & software advances can help founders and CTOs succeed.
Harnessing Exotic Hardware: Charting the Future of JVM Performance
Monica Beckwith discusses the world of the JVM and its evolving relationship with exotic hardware. She presents a hypothetical scenario where GPU optimization plays a pivotal role.
Comparison of Performance of Multiple CPU Architectures
Matthew Singer and Jeff Balk discuss similiarities and differences among multiple high performing CPU architectures.
Mechanical Sympathy Panel
Howard Chu, Michael Barker and Aaron Bedra discuss the modern hardware, the options that are enabled, skills needed, and what to expect in the future.
Real-Time Data Streaming with Azure Stream Analytics
Alexander Slotte introduces Azure Stream Analytics, its ecosystem, and real world examples streaming Twitter feeds as well as sensor data from Raspberry Pi.
Understanding CPU Microarchitecture to Increase Performance
Alex Blewitt presents the microarchitecture of modern CPUs.
Bits and Pieces
Kenneth McAlpine explores how the combination of hardware and performative coding shaped the sound of early video game music, and how it changed the way that composers conceived of and used music.
Deep Learning on Microcontrollers
Pete Warden discusses why Deep Learning is a great fit for tiny, cheap devices, what can be built with it, and how to get started.
The Future of Operating Systems on RISC-V
Alex Bradbury gives an overview of the status and development of RISC-V as it relates to modern operating systems, highlighting major research strands, controversies, and opportunities to get involved
A Journey into Intel’s SGX
Jessie Frazelle discusses Intel's SGX technology. Frazelle also covers an overview of computer architecture, detailing one hardware version, its flaws and changes to come in a future version.
How Performance Optimizations Shatter Security Boundaries
Moritz Lipp explains how the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities exploit hardware optimizations to read otherwise inaccessible data processed on the computer.