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  • Prompt Injection for Large Language Models

    This article will cover two common attack vectors against large language models and tools based on them, prompt injection and prompt stealing. We will additionally introduce three approaches to make your LLM-based systems and tools less vulnerable to this kind of attacks and review their benefits and limitations, including fine-tuning, adversarial detectors, and system prompt hardening.

  • Data Protection Methods for Federal Organizations and beyond

    The Federal Data Strategy describes a plan to “accelerate the use of data to deliver on mission, serve the public, and steward resources while protecting security, privacy, and confidentiality." This article covers what it is and how it can be applied to any organization.

  • How to Reduce Burnout in IT Security Teams

    Burnout isn't a selfcare problem. The information security industry needs to take a deeper examination and create changes to allow for workers to have more flexibility and the ability to have balanced personal and work life. This article serves as a starting point by breaking down why burnout exists in InfoSec, why past solutions don’t work anymore, and how to actually reduce burnout in teams.

  • What Is Account Creation Fraud? Complete Guide to Detection and Prevention

    In this article, we'll take a look at the re-emergence of account creation fraud, and how this type of attack works. Then we'll turn our attention to the impact that this is already having on the way that companies secure their identity management systems, the effects of security measures like virtual private networks (VPN) and password managers, along with what the future will bring.

  • Three Major Cybersecurity Pain Points to Address for Improved Threat Defense

    Three pain points every company must address when addressing cybersecurity include threat volume and complexity, a growing cybersecurity skills gap, and the need for threat prioritization. This article describes each of these in some detail, and includes recommendations for corporations to deal with them.

  • How to Seamlessly Evolve DevOps into DevSecOps

    As DevOps evolved, it became obvious that it was about more than just software development and operations management. With each new story of a massive data breach and its catastrophic consequences, cybersecurity swiftly became recognized as a critical part of any IT ecosystem. This realization led to DevSecOps. This article looks at how to embrace a DevSecOps approach.

  • Seven Steps for Improving Cloud Security with Business Integration

    For business owners and information technology professionals, cloud computing has represented a significant advancement in terms of efficiency and supportability. But like with any major shift in the IT industry, the cloud brings a host of new security risks. Let’s take a look at the most common risks associated with integrating cloud-based business systems and how to manage them appropriately.

  • A Pragmatic Approach to Scaling Security in the Cloud

    Security. Cloud. Two words that are almost always together but rarely happily. Read on to learn why that isn’t the case and what you need to known about securing your critical infrastructure in the cloud.

  • Securing Servers in the Cloud: An Interview With Trend Micro

    What’s the best way to protect servers in the cloud? How can you account for the transient nature of cloud servers and provide the same protection in the cloud as on on-premises? To find out, InfoQ spoke with Mark Nunnikhoven, a Principal Engineer in the Cloud & Emerging Technologies division at Trend Micro. You can find Mark on Twitter as @marknca.

  • The Virtual Tug of War

    Technology professionals have always fought an unrelenting war not dissimilar to feud between the Hatfields and McCoys – a continuous conflict with no winners. In the world of IT, this is a battle over security and performance fought by security professionals and network administrators. These two factions have always had to barter and maintain an uneasy truce in organizations in order to survive.