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  • Rich Hickey Speaks on Datomic at Clojure/West

    Rich Hickey spoke at the Clojure/West conference last weekend about his newest venture, Datomic, which he describes as “a distributed database designed to enable scalable, flexible and intelligent applications, running on cloud architectures.” Datomic sits on Amazon’s DynamoDB, and embeds Datalog, a subset of Prolog, to move queries into the application.

  • First Milestone of Ceylon and Ceylon IDE

    Earlier this week, the first milestone of Ceylon IDE was released, bringing an IDE to the Ceylon language, which saw its first milestone at the end of December. Read on to find out more.

  • Azul Releases Open Source jHiccup Tool to Provide Response Time Analysis of the Java Run

    Azul Systems have today announced the release of jHiccup, an open source tool designed to measure the pauses and stalls (or "hiccups") associated with an application's underlying Java runtime platform.

  • Keeping Scala Fresh(er)

    With Scala 2.10 on the horizon, and recent controversial opinions, what really is the story with Scala's backward compatibility, and how will it affect popular Scala libraries? If Josh Suereth is right, a reboot of the Scala Fresh project proposed by David Pollak last year.

  • Azul's Pauseless Garbage Collector Goes Native on Linux

    Azul Systems have today announced Zing 5.0, eliminating their previous requirement for a hypervisor, and therefore bringing their pauseless JVM to unmodified 64-bit Linux for the first time.

  • Apache Harmony Finale

    The Apache Harmony PMC initiated a vote earlier this week to begin the process of moving the codebase into the Apache Attic and disbanding the PMC. With 18 for and 2 against, the result will be that the Apache Harmony project will be wound up and placed in the Attic for posterity.

  • Latest Xtext Release Integrates with JVM

    Xtext 2.1 was released this week by the Eclipse Foundation. It comes with many new features and a major innovation: the support for creating domain specific languages targeting the Java virtual machine.

  • Azul Systems and Twitter Elected to the JCP Executive Committee, VMware No Longer Represented

    Twitter and Azul Systems have been elected to serve on the JCP Executive Committee for Java SE/EE, on voting percentages of 32% and 19% respectively. Both firms have also joined the OpenJDK project. VMware is no longer represented.

  • Clojure Web Frameworks Round-Up: Enlive & Compojure

    Clojure is rather new member of the LISP family of languages which runs on the Java platform. Introduced in 2007 it has generated a lot of interest. InfoQ had a small Q&A with James Reeves and Christophe Grand, the creators of Enlive and Compojure, about their projects and their experiences working with Clojure.

  • Java7 Hotspot Loop Bug Details

    Last week, Oracle released Java7 to great acclaim. However, an issue identified by the Apache Lucene project pointed to a specific hotspot optimisation bug which kicks in when a loop is executed more than 10,000 times. How serious is this issue, and does it warrant the kind of negative press that has been played out over the last few days?

  • JetBrains introduces the new JVM language Kotlin

    So far, Kotlin has been primarily known as a Russian island thirty kilometers west of Saint Petersburg. More recently, the Czech company JetBrains introduced a programming language named Kotlin running on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It is the intent of the Kotlin language developers to get rid of some challenges in the Java language.

  • Ceylon JVM Language

    Gavin King, creator of Hibernate, gave a presentation at QCon Beijing on the Ceylon JVM language. Ceylon addresses some limitations of the Java programming language although the project is near the inception phase, with no compiler or IDE support. Since its existence leaked out over twitter, there has been a lot of speculation about the language; read on to find out more from Gavin King

  • IBM Releases New 64-bit Java SDK for z/OS

    IBM has released two new Java 6 SDKs based on its J9 VM, to take advantage of enhancements to z/OS Java security and the new z196 instructions.

  • InvokeDynamic Updates in OpenJDK

    The OpenJDK builds recently started to include an updated version of the JSR 292 API, which, whilst not yet final, gives a good indication as to how the JSR is shaping up.

  • Google Asserts Oracle Patents Invalid

    Google has fired back against Oracle in the ongoing JVM dispute, and is now asserting that the Oracle JVM patents are invalid because of obviousness. Things are just about to get interesting.