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Evolving Prolog
Michael Hendricks talks about how they used genetic algorithms to evolve Prolog programs based on historic data from peer to peer lending markets.
Exercises in Programming Style
Crista Lopes demos writing the same program using multiple styles, showcasing the richness of human computational thought and the need to avoid being stuck with one or two styles for life.
A Relational Exploration of the Chomsky Hierarchy
Friedman and Byrd explain how to encode deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, push-down automata, and Turing Machines in miniKanren, a DSL for relational (pure logic) programming.
Linear Logic Programming
Chris Martens discusses how linear logic programming can be used to capture idioms related to state change and resource usage in a totally declarative fashion using the programming language Celf.
Everything I Have Learned I Have Learned From Someone Else
David Nolen keynotes on how developers learn as seen in a number of diverse examples drawn from objected oriented user interface programming to constraint logic programming.
Cascalog: Logic Programming over Hadoop
Alex Robbins introduces Cascalog, a Clojure library for writing declarative Hadoop jobs.
Intro to CLP with core.logic
Ryan Senior introduces CLP using core.logic through examples and live coding based on some logic puzzles, providing the essential background to have some fun with core.logic and CLP.
Molog: Typed Functional Logic Programming in Haskell
Adam C. Foltzer introduces Molog, a typed functional logic programming language written in Haskell.
An Introduction to Logic Programming on the JVM with core.logic (Clojure)
Edmund Jackson discusses the Goals, Logic Variables, Constraints, and Compositions that form the foundation of Logic Programming using Clojure examples.
Relational Programming in miniKanren
Daniel P. Friedman and William E. Byrd demonstrate miniKanren, a simplified version of KANREN - a declarative logic programming system with relations embedded in a pure functional subset of Scheme.
Practical core.logic
Ryan Senior introduces core.logic, a logic programming library for Clojure, demonstrating how certain problems can be easier solved with it than relying on plain Clojure.