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  • .NET Community Toolkit 8.3 Released with .NET 8 and NativeAOT Support

    The .NET Foundation announced the release of the .NET Community Toolkit 8.3, bringing key updates including full support for .NET 8 and NativeAOT. This release enhances performance, contains some bug fixes, and provides new features aimed at improving the developer experience.

  • Windows Forms Binding Improvements in .NET 7 for MVVM Support

    .NET 7 framework includes command binding preview features that aim to modernise Windows Forms applications. These features introduce new properties that allow the UI controls to be bound to view models and commands, like other .NET UI frameworks such as MAUI.

  • Knockout Components to Structure Your Apps Better

    Knockout 3.2.0 has recently been released. One of the biggest improvements is the introduction of Components, which along with Custom elements, allows you to break your app into reusable widgets, sections or pages.

  • TypedMVVM Uses TypeScript to Build Windows Store Apps with WinJS

    TypedMVVM is a collection of samples and libraries developed by Davide Zordan which enables enable developers to build Windows Store apps using WinJS, TypeScript and MVVM.

  • MVVM Frameworks For .NET

    Model-View-ViewModel is an architectural pattern mainly used in WPF, Silverlight and WP7 development whose aim is to virtually remove all the code-behind from the View layer. Interactive Designers can focus on UX needs using XAML and create bindings to the ViewModel, which is written and maintained by application developers.

  • Jeremy Likness on Clean Design-Time Friendly ViewModels

    There are many ways to handle design-time data in view-models. While some people use complex dependency injection frameworks or inversion of control containers, the simplest method is to just check the DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool flag. Unfortunately this has the side effect of embedding the design-time data into one’s application. Jeremy Likness offers a couple ways of working around this.