InfoQ Homepage Mesos Content on InfoQ
Distributed Scheduler Hell
Matthew Campbell offers tips and tricks choosing between different container schedulers -Mesos, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Nomad, manual - for different applications/microservices.
Mesos: A State-of-the-art Container Orchestrator
Jie Yu discusses how containers are managed in Mesos, the future of container support in Mesos, and shows some of the new container networking and storage features.
Containers, FTW!
Michael Hausenblas introduces containers, microservices and dealing with security, monitoring and troubleshooting using Apache Mesos/Marathon and Kubernetes.
Scaling Container Architectures with OSS & Mesos
David Greenberg discusses how Two Sigma was able to scale up their research to harness tens of thousands of CPUs and the challenges faced.
Is Mesos DC/OS a Better Way to Run Docker on AWS?
Chien Huey evaluates Marathon running on DC/OS as a replacement for Elastic Beanstalk and/or ECS in terms of functionality, ease of use as well as cost.
Rethinking Streaming Analytics for Scale
Helena Edelson addresses new architectures emerging for large scale streaming analytics based on Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka (SMACK) or Apache Flink or GearPump.
Inside Yelp's SOA Infrastructure
Kyle Anderson discusses details on how to tie Mesos, Docker, SmartStack, Haproxy, Git, and Sensu all together into a coherent system that developers can use to ship their code in a self-serve way.
A Taxonomy of Clustering, or No Container is an Island
Ted Young discusses the various tools one can use to manage and operate containers, what they do and what they are useful for.
Paasta: Application Delivery at Yelp
Evan Krall talks about Paasta, which is Yelp's platform for running services, built on Docker, Mesos, Marathon, SmartStack, git, and Jenkins.
Making Distributed Data Persistent Services Elastic (Without Losing All Your Data)
Joe Stein introduces Mesos and managing data services on it, presenting use cases for replacing classic solutions (like cold storage) with new functionality based on these technology.
Distributed Scheduling with Apache Mesos in the Cloud
Diptanu Choudhury discusses the design of Netflix’ distributed scheduler based on Mesos and Titan, focusing on bin packing algorithms, scaling in and out of clusters, fault tolerance, and redundancy.
Building Distributed Systems with Apache Mesos
Benjamin Hindman discusses Apache Mesos, focusing on the Mesos API and how the primitives provided by Mesos can make it easier to build new stateful services and frameworks.