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Apache Skywalking v10: Application Performance Monitoring Tool for Distributed Systems
The Apache Software Foundation has released version 10 of Apache SkyWalking, an open-source observability platform designed to provide comprehensive monitoring, tracing, and analytics for distributed systems. It features many new features and enhancements...
Fostering Healthy Tech Teams in a DevOps World
Building healthy DevOps tech teams that are responsible for a broad area can be challenging. To measure the success of your team, several frameworks provide metrics indicating team health. Psychological safety matters for healthy teams to ensure each software engineer brings their own lived experiences to build better products and that they feel safe to do so.
- Doubles Delivery Performance Using DORA Metrics and Micro Frontends
The team in’s fintech business unit implemented a series of improvements across the backend and the frontend of its platform and was able to double the delivery performance, as measured by DORA metrics. Additionally, the Micro Frontends (MFE) pattern was used to break up the monolithic FE application into multiple decomposed apps that could be deployed separately.
State of FinOps 2024: Reducing Waste and Embracing AI
In the 2024 State of FinOps survey, Engineering Enablement has been replaced by a focus on cost and waste reduction. This shows maturity of FinOps as the persona getting the most value from FinOps remains the engineer. The confluence of AI and FinOps observability aims to optimise cloud spend visibility and improve insights into early AI experimentation, as well as sustainability goals.
Grafana v10.3: Visualizations, Alerting, Management and Log Analysis Improvements
Grafana 10.3 introduces a range of enhancements spanning visualization, instance management, alerting, and log analysis. These upgrades include improved tooltips and zoom functionality for data navigation, alongside features for tracking metric changes and visualizing system health. Additionally, improvements in alerting and log analysis are also available.
Learning from Big Tech’s Engineering Productivity Metrics
Gergely Orosz and Abi Noda published a Pragmatic Engineer article titled Measuring Developer Productivity: Real-World Examples. InfoQ reports on insights from Noda’s survey of engineering metrics used across 17 well-known tech giants. Noda found that rather than wholesale adoption of frameworks like DORA, leading teams use a mix of org-specific qualitative and quantitative metrics.
Grafana Beyla Provides Auto-Instrumented Observability through eBPF
Grafana has released Grafana Beyla, an open-source eBPF auto-instrumentation tool for application observability. Beyla is able to report span information and RED metrics (Rate-Errors-Duration) for both Linux HTTP/S and gRPC services. This is accomplished without having to make code modifications for inserting probes.
OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) 1.0.0 Released
Recently, the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) 1.0.0 was released. OLTP specification describes telemetry data's encoding, transport, and delivery mechanism between telemetry sources, intermediate nodes such as collectors, and telemetry backends. It is a general-purpose telemetry data delivery protocol designed in the scope of the OpenTelemetry project.
Grafana Adds Service Accounts and Improves Debugging Experience
Grafana Labs has released version 9.5 of Grafana including improvements to Grafana Alerting, service accounts, and improvements to the dashboards. Support bundles were also released providing a simpler way to gather and share debugging information about the Grafana stack. AWS has announced support for Grafana 9.4 within their Amazon Managed Grafana service.
Effective and Efficient Observability with OpenTelemetry
Daniel Gomez Blanco, principal engineer at Skyscanner, shared his experiences at QCon London on a large-scale observability initiative at his company, based on adopting OpenTelemetry across hundreds of services and the motivation and value gained from adopting open standards across the entire organization.
New CloudWatch Metrics for AWS Lambda Asynchronous Invocations
AWS recently added three new Amazon CloudWatch metrics for AWS Lambda: AsyncEventsReceived, AsyncEventAge, and AsyncEventsDropped, to monitor the performance of asynchronous event processing.
Grafana Tempo Introduces New Query Language and Support for Apache Parquet
Grafana has released Grafana Tempo 2.0 which introduces the new TraceQL query language and support for the Apache Parquet format. Grafana Tempo is an open-source tracing backend that works with object storage. The new TraceQL query language works with the Apache Parquet format to provide improved search times and queries aligned to traces.
Grafana Adds Outlier Detection to Its Machine Learning Toolkit
Grafana has released outlier detection as part of their Grafana Machine Learning toolkit. Outlier detection can be used to monitor a group of similar things and be alerted when some of them start to behave differently than the norm.
Prometheus Adds Long Term Support Model and Improved Remote Write Mode
Prometheus, the open-source monitoring tool, has added a number of new features including a reduced functionality remote write mode. Additional improvements include a new HTTP service discovery mechanism, native histogram support, additional integrations for Alertmanager, and a new long-term support model.
How We Can Use Data to Improve System Quality
To understand how systems are being used, we can collect metrics and identify trends over time. The data and insights gained can be used to improve system quality by improving software design or testing patterns.