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Papyrus for Real Time: Executable Modeling on Eclipse
Charles Rivet introduces Papyrus RT, an industrial-grade modeling environment for the development of complex, software intensive, real-time, embedded, cyber-physical systems.
Model Migration with Edapt
Maximilian Koegel introduces Edapt, describing its basic features and demonstrating how it can be used for migrating models in real life applications.
Building Business UIs with EMF Forms
Maximilian Koegel introduces declarative UI modeling, the EMF Forms framework and its tooling to create view models, sharing from his experience applying the concept to commercial projects.
The Vorto Project - Advanced Device Integration
Olaf Weinmann, Alexander Edelmann introduce the Vorto project, an approach to leverage the standardization of Information Models, providing a few examples for code generators.
Arduino Designer: the Making of!
Melanie Bats presents how the Arduino Designer was created, how to use Sirius to create graphical editors and how to simplify the Eclipse UI for an RCP application dedicated to kids.
The Spoofax Language Workbench in Industry
Eelco Visser, Vlad Vergu demonstrate how Spoofax simplifies the process of specifying syntax using SDF3, name analysis using NaBL and type analysis using TS, code generation in Stratego.
The Business Cases for Modeling and Generators
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen keynotes on what modeling languages and generators are more helpful and cost effective.
Modeling and Code Generation on the .NET Platform at Icinetic
Rubén Jiménez Marrufo and Pedro J. Molina discuss the history of modeling at Microsoft along with current MSDS approaches, reference frameworks and features for the .NET platform.
Managing Variability in Product-Lines
In this talk, Markus Völter illustrates how model-driven and aspect oriented software development help addressing the challenge of managing variability in product line engineering.