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  • .NET Upgrade Assistant: CLI Tool Synced with Visual Studio Extension Engine

    A new and updated version of the Upgrade Assistant CLI tool. The latest release ensures that the CLI tool now includes all the new features which are already available in the Visual Studio Extension. The latest release now offers developers a choice between Visual Studio and CLI experiences, allowing them to take advantage of the latest features and improvements offered by the .NET upgrade tool.

  • .NET Community Toolkit 8.2: MVVM Toolkit Attributes, Performance Enhancements, and More

    Microsoft has released the latest version of its .NET Community Toolkit, version 8.2, and it comes with several new enhancements and features. According to the release, this new version brings performance enhancements both at runtime and in the MVVM Toolkit source generators, new code fixers aimed at boosting productivity, and a number of user-requested features.

  • Visual Studio Extensibility SDK Preview 3: New Features for Building Productivity Extensions

    Visual Studio Extensibility Preview 3 adds the Debugger Visualizers to simplify the debugging experience, Custom Dialogs to create tailored user interfaces, Query the Project System to access and interact with the project system, Editor Margin Extensions to add custom components to the margin of the code editor, and Extension Configuration options to give users more control over their extensions.

  • .NET Upgrade Assistant Extension for Visual Studio Now Available

    The .NET Upgrade Assistant is a Microsoft tool that helps developers upgrade their .NET Framework apps to .NET 5 or later by analyzing code and dependencies, generating a report of issues, and providing code fixes. A new available extension makes it possible to update any .NET application to the most recent .NET version within Visual Studio.

  • Microsoft Quietly Updates .NET Language Strategy

    On February 6th 2023, Kathleen Dollard, principal program manager on .NET team at Microsoft, posted an update of the .NET language strategy. The new document is a continuation of the same ideas from the previous one, written in 2017, where C# and F# are the evolving languages and VB.NET is a niche language.

  • .NET Community Toolkit 8.1 Released

    Recently Microsoft released .NET Community Toolkit 8.1. This new release contains performance improvements to the MVVW Toolkit source generators. There are also new features such as custom attributes for ObservableProperty, MVVM Toolkit analyzers, IObservable<T> messenger extensions and support for .NET 7 and C# 11.

  • What's New in .NET Community Toolkit v8.1.0 Preview 1

    Microsoft’s .NET Community Toolkit’s latest version, v.8.1.0, recently reached its first preview release. The release brings several new features and improvements to the toolkit: improvements to the MVVM source generator performance and the addition of custom attributes support for the ObservableProperty attribute. It also brings additional IMessenger extensions and .NET 7 and C# 11 support.

  • Azure Functions v4 Now Support .NET Framework 4.8 with Isolated Execution

    Microsoft announced on September 26th that Azure Functions runtime v4 will support running .NET Framework 4.8 functions in an isolated process, allowing the developers to move their legacy .NET functions to the latest runtime. The isolated process execution decouples the function code from the Azure Functions’ host runtime.

  • Microsoft to End Support for .NET Core 3.1 in December 2022

    The long-term-support (LTS) version 3.1 of Microsoft .NET Core Framework is slated to go out of support on December 13th, 2022. Microsoft recommends upgrading .NET Core 3.1 applications to .NET 6.0 to stay supported for the future, while the developers have mixed feelings about the .NET support policy.

  • .NET Framework January 2022 Cumulative Update Preview

    Last month, Microsoft released the .NET Framework January 2022 Cumulative Update Preview, part of the company's promise to support .NET Framework. The update targets .NET Framework versions 3.5 and 4.8 and focuses on the Common Language Runtime and Windows Presentation Foundation. The preview release aims to increase reliability and quality of the .NET Framework features for Windows OS.

  • .NET News Roundup - Week of May 17th, 2021

    .NET News Roundup: Giraffe 5.0, Azure SDK, updates to the .NET Framework, Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, Uno Platform, and AvaloniaUI.

  • CoreWCF Reached Its First GA Release

    CoreWCF is a port of Windows Communication Framework (WCF) to .NET Core. The goal of this project is to enable existing WCF projects to move to .NET Core. After 21 months of public development, CoreWCF has reached its first GA release.

  • .NET 6 LINQ Improvements

    Continuing our series on the over 100 API changes in .NET 6, we look at extensions to the LINQ library.

  • Microsoft Concludes the .NET Framework API Porting Project

    Earlier this month, Microsoft announced the conclusion of the .NET Framework API porting project for .NET Core 3.0. That means the official development team won't port any other APIs from the .NET Framework to .NET Core 3.0. Microsoft also stated their intention to open-source more of the .NET Framework code, allowing the creation of community-driven porting projects in the future.

  • .NET Framework 4.8 Available on Windows Update, WSUS, MU Catalog

    Earlier this month Microsoft announced that .NET Framework 4.8 is available on Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), and Microsoft Update (MU) Catalog. The new release includes quality and reliability fixes in multiple product areas, including ASP.NET, Windows Forms, and WPF. All fixes were based on feedback received since the .NET Framework 4.8 initial release.