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Spring Data Hazelcast: Fluently Accessing Distributed Repositories
Victor Gamov and Neil Stevenson present using Spring Data for a Hazelcast project, built on the KeyValue module and providing infrastructure components for creating repository abstractions.
Advanced Spring Data REST
Covering the features added to Spring Data REST in recent releases, Oliver Gierke looks at how to integrate manually coded REST resources, tweak representations and work with lookup types.
Spring Data and In-Memory Data Management in Action
John Blum and Luke Shannon present and code a live Spring Boot-based application powered by Apache Geode (a.k.a. Pivotal GemFire) running on CloudFoundry.
Sneek Peek at Spring Data Cassandra
Mark Paluch and John Blum present the changes in Spring Data Cassandra and what to expect from the upcoming version.
Next Level Redis with Spring
Christoph Strobl explains Redis' Object Hash Mapping and Secondary Indexes as well as the Spring Data Repository abstraction that lets one seamlessly interact with Redis.
What's New in Spring Data?
Christoph Strobl and Mark Paluch overview the new features introduced in the latest Spring Data release trains, covering improvements to Commons, JPA, MongoDB, Redis, and the community modules.
Introduction to Spring Data
Greg Turnquist explains how Spring Data avoids writing data queries by hand and provides the means to avoid SQL lock-in and connect to multiple data stores.
Developing a Geospatial Webservice with Kotlin and Spring Boot
Sébastien Deleuze shows how to use a relational database without JPA in order to use advanced PostgreSQL functionalities wiht a lightweight stack, demonstrating Kotlin to JavaScript transpiler.
How to Train Your Microservice
Doug Sherman reviews the efforts that took place in the initial phases which incorporated targeted parts of the Spring Framework, as well as more current efforts that leveraged Spring projects.
Building a Next-generation Cloud e-Commerce Platform with Spring
Petar Tahchiev demos a typical e-commerce project with the Nemesis platform, listing the problems faced and the Spring projects used: Data, Session, Cloud, Boot, MVC, Security, etc.
Spring Data REST - Data Meets Hypermedia + Security
Roy Clarkson and Greg Turnquist discuss using Spring Data REST to build a back-end for a startup, exemplifying with Spring-A-Gram, an app built with Spring Data REST and secured by Spring Security.
Spring Boot and Groovy
Fátima Casaú discusses applications with Spring, support for ‘Groovy’ and also the use of ‘GORM (Grails Object Relational Mapping)’ as well as ‘Hibernate’ for persistence.