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InfoQ Homepage Operating Systems Content on InfoQ

  • Building and Deploying Android Apps Using JavaFX

    Java was invented to provide a software environment for embedded devices. But a strange loop in history made Java the top language for enterprise software. Java comes full circle with JavaFX, a mature Rich Client Application framework included in the Java 8 core libraries. In this article, we show how to deploy JavaFX Applications on Android devices, a game changer for the JavaFX platform.

  • Unusual Ways to Create a Mobile App

    There are hundreds of thousands of mobile applications for nearly every purpose in the iOS or Android app stores. Usually they are created with Objective-C toolstacks for iOS devices and Java based for Android handsets. In this article we would like to show you two not so common ways to build native apps with Java and Xtend which help to share code between both worlds and simplify development.

  • Article Series: Configuration Management Tools

    Configuration management is the foundation that makes modern infrastructure possible. Tools that enable configuration management are required in the toolbox of any operations team, and many development teams as well. Although all the tools aim to solve the same basic set of problems, they adhere to different visions and exhibit different characteristics.

  • Purely Functional Configuration Management with Nix and NixOS

    This article gives a short introduction to NixOS, a Linux distribution, and to Nix, the package manager on which NixOS is based. These provide a declarative approach to configuration management with many advantages to users, such as strong reproducibility and atomic upgrades and rollbacks.

  • Interview with Joel Murach - Author of Murach's Android Programming

    Murach Publishing continues to provide quality content for programmers by updating their titles regularly. Murach Android Programming by Joel Murach attempts to provide a comprehensive coverage of Android with plenty of screenshots and source codes to help developers to code in real world situations.

  • Book Review: Building Applications with the Android SDK, 2nd Edition

    The Android Developer’s Cookbook: Building Applications with the Android SDK, 2nd Edition is a collaborative effort by Ronan Schwarz, Phil Dutson, James Steele and Nelson To. The authors have succeeded in providing a solid reference book. A book for mobile app developers that can serve as an authoritative guide for newbies and intermediate to expert devs for creating awesome mobile apps.

  • Advanced UNIX Programming: An Interview with Stephen Rago

    Having a solid grasp of the fundamentals of systems development provides programmers with crucial concepts that that serve them regardless of their day-to-day development tasks. One of the highly regarded books in this field is Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. Now in its 3rd edition, coauthor Stephen Rago speaks with InfoQ about the book.

  • Native Cross-Platform Apps with Tabris

    Tabris is the first Java toolkit for the cross-platform development of native mobile applications. It combines native user experience with tailor-made, native controls and functions. But what exactly does native mean?

  • Hybrid Mobile Apps with ASP.NET MVC

    Daniel Jebaraj demonstrates creating hybrid mobile apps with Android and ASP.NET MVC.

  • Interview and Book Review: DevOps Troubleshooting: Linux® Server Best Practices

    Kyle Rankin delivers practical advice and techniques for team oriented troubleshooting of Linux servers in a DevOps culture. The book targets systems engineers, developers, and QA staff that have gaps in knowledge about troubleshooting Linux servers. The book includes Linux Server Best Practices in common problem areas.

  • A Technical Overview of Moscrif – MObile SCRipting Framework

    Moscrif is a cross-platform solution for mobile application development enabling developers to create native applications and games for smartphones, tablets and desktops.

  • From C# to Objective-C with Somya Jain

    A shift has been occurring in the business world. Many consulting companies that traditionally write line-of-business applications in .NET are now being asked to build applications for iOS. And while .NET and Java will still be viable for years to come, there are a lot of opportunities for teams that are willing to cross-train. Somya Jain explains what that entails for C# developers.