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InfoQ Homepage Optimization Content on InfoQ

  • Addressing Visual Studio 15’s Memory Usage

    As software projects grow in complexity and size, it has increased the resource demands imposed on programmer's toolsets. Visual Studio is no exception, and these increased demands combined with its ever-growing feature set means that it is feeling constrained. In this article we will examine how Microsoft is trying to overcome the 32-bit nature of VS15's main process.

  • Profiling and Optimizing V8 Memory Consumption

    For the last few months, the V8 team has focused on reducing the memory consumed by the V8 engine, including work on the new Ignition interpreter, and improvements to V8’s parser and compilers. A key enabler of this process was profiling V8 memory usage using specific tools against a benchmark, as explained by V8 engineers Ulan Degenbaev, Michael Lippautz, Hannes Payer, and Toon Verwaest.

  • How Facebook Redesigned the HHVM JIT Compiler for Performance

    In the Summer of 2013, Facebook engineers started a major redesign of the HHVM JIT compiler that brought an overall 15% reduction of CPU usage on Facebook’s web servers. Facebook engineer Guilherme Ottoni has recently described how Facebook achieved that result by backing profile-guided optimizations (PGO) into their JIT compiler.

  • Q&A with Aleksey Shipilev on Compact Strings Optimization in OpenJDK 9

    OpenJDK 9 introduces the compact strings optimization. InfoQ interviews Oracle Java performance engineer Aleksey Shipilev to understand more about this optimization and its performance impact.

  • How Facebook Improved their iOS App Start Time

    Facebook engineer Natansh Verma explained how they managed to reduce the launch time of the Facebook app for iOS and shave a few seconds off by streamlining their dependencies and using UDP priming.

  • Debugging iOS File Corruption at Facebook

    Facebook engineers Slobodan Predolac and Nicolas Spielberg have recently described how they "solved a long-term mobile debugging problem and reduced the crash rate ... by more than 50 percent." In the process, they show general useful techniques and a few Facebook tools that can help with large, rapidly evolving codebases.

  • Android to Include Ahead-Of-Time Compiler

    Google announced the next version of the Android operating system at Google I/O 2014. Code named “L release,” in the most significant change to the system architecture a new runtime simply called the Android RunTime (ART) with an AOT compiler replaces the Dalvik virtual machine and its JIT compiler.

  • Microsoft Speeds Up Windows Store Apps with .NET Native

    .NET Native is an attempt from Microsoft to reduce the start up times and memory footprint of Windows Store applications.

  • Azul ReadyNow! Seeks to Eliminate JVM Warm-up

    Azul Systems announces the release of ReadyNow! in the latest version of Azul's Zing runtime for Java. Includes a series of algorithms designed to obviate the need for "warming-up" the Java Virtual Machine.

  • Oracle Tunes Java's Internal String Representation

    In an ongoing effort to improve Java performance, Oracle has announced a change in the internal representation of Strings as of Java 1.7.0_06.