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When Everything Goes Wrong
Colin Humphreys takes a look at just how bad life can get, and what we can learn, when our plan isn't reality, our team isn't a team, and our users are furious.
Four Questions to Ask Your Dev Team
Hannah Foxwell and Jérôme Wiedemann offer four questions to start the dialogue between Platform Teams and Application Teams.
Robot Social Engineering: Social Engineering Using Physical Robots
Brittany Postnikoff covers some of the capabilities of physical robots, related human-robot interaction research, and the interfaces that can be used by a robot to social engineer humans.
Empathy: A Keystone Habit
Paul Tevis explores how empathy is what Charles Duhigg calls a "keystone habit", a behavior change that unlocks other cascading behavior changes.
From Developer to Security: How I Broke into Infosec
Rey Bango discusses the impetus for his career change, from developer (building sites and apps for the web) to security, and the challenges he faced as a new person to the community.
Getting Them to Get It: Communicating beyond the Agile Bubble
Judy Rees discusses building trust, developing psychological safety, reducing conflict and misunderstandings while maintaining creative tension, and leading listeners in a practical session.
Building and Growing Sustainable Teams
Vlad Galu talks about how team dynamics should work to survive ‘difficult’ times and strive for “perfect” rather than “good enough”.
Introduction to Sociocracy 3.0 – Effective Collaboration at Any Scale
Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse explains the basic concepts of Sociocracy 3.0, looking at some patterns regarding co-creation and evolution, meeting practices, and organizational structures.
Am I a Brilliant Jerk?
Justin Becker focuses on the jerk part of “brilliant jerk”. He talks about the Emotional Intelligence and why it matters in developing and operating software systems effectively.
Status and Power Improv
Todd Charron discusses power, its role in interacting with others, and how to adjust it depending on the group or individual one is interacting with.
The Groupishness of Groups
Katy Rowett explores some of the social defenses that teams might engage in when people leave or join groups or when management seems to work against them.
Sustaining Happiness Once You Have It
Chip Loving, Jason Hall discuss a model of employee recognition that is meant to keep a happy team happy.