InfoQ Homepage Service Mesh Content on InfoQ
Oliver Gould on the Three Pillars of Service Mesh, SMI, and Making Technology Bets
In this podcast, we summarise the evolution of the service mesh concept, with a focus on the three pillars: visibility, security, and reliability. We explore the new traffic “tap” feature within Linkerd that allows near real-time in-situ querying of metrics and discuss how to implement network security by leveraging the primitives like Service Account provided by Kubernetes.
Matt Klein on Envoy Mobile, Platform Complexity, and a Universal Data Plane API for Proxies
In this podcast we sit down with Matt Klein, software plumber at Lyft and creator of Envoy, and discuss topics including the continued evolution of the popular proxy, the strength of the open source Envoy community, and the value of creating and implementing standards throughout the technology stack.
Armon Dadgar on HashiCorp Research, the Evolution of Infrastructure Tooling, and Standardisation
On this podcast, we’re talking to Armon Dadgar, co-founder and CTO of HashiCorp. We discuss the formation of the HashiCorp research division and explore some of the computer science research underpinning Consul and Nomad. We also cover the challenges of supporting teams when they are looking to embrace new modes of working with dynamic infrastructure.
Mitchell Hashimoto on Consul since 1.2 and its Role as a Modern Service Mesh
In June of this year, Consul 1.2 was released. The release expanded Consul’s capability around service segmentation (controlling who and how services connect East and West). On this week’s podcast, Reisz and Hashimoto discuss Consul in detail.
Justin Cormack on Decomposing the Modern Operating System
Justin Cormack discusses how the modern operating system is being decomposed with toolkits and libraries such as LinuxKit, eBPF, XDP, and what the kernel space service mesh Cilium is doing. Wes Reisz and Justin Cormack also discuss how Cilium differs from service meshes like an Istio, Linkerd2 (previously Conduit), or Envoy.