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  • Microsoft’s Silence is Infuriating .NET Developers

    Earlier this month Microsoft unveiled a new touch-centric UI for Windows 8. According to the presentation this new UI allows Windows 8 applications built using just HTML5 and JavaScript. This is great news for web developers looking to do more with the Windows platform, but Microsoft is refusing to say whether or not .NET can also be used for this new application model.

  • Scott Olson on Cross Platform Mobile Development with MonoCross

    We recently interviewed Scott Olson of the MonoCross Project. The MonoCross Project is a framework for cross-platform mobile development. It uses a combination of .NET and Mono technologies.

  • What to look forward to in WPF vNext

    With all the focus on Silverlight, and more recently HTML 5, a lot of people have been wondering about the future of WPF. This in quite understandable, as silence from Microsoft’s press machine often means that the project is on hold, possibly forever. However, it could also mean they aren’t ready to reveal what they are working on.

  • Mono Brings Silverlight to the Android Tablet and Phone

    Under the mantra, “We love .NET more than Microsoft”, Mono has been making the promise of cross-platform .NET development a reality. First there was the native toolkit support for iOS and Android, now they are opening up the world of Android tablets to Silverlight developers.

  • Silverlight Status Report

    Silverlight on the browser is better than ever. It is getting the same kind of performance improvements seen with HTML 5 while still benefiting from statically typed languages and JIT compilation. So why is Microsoft barely willing to talk about it at MIX?

  • MIX 2011 Keynote 2 Highlights

    Round 2 at MIX heavily focused on the next version of Windows Phone. Kinect for Windows was also showcased and Silverlight 5 was briefly mentioned.

  • MIX 2011: What to Expect

    HTML 5, Silverlight 5, and a surprise announcement about Windows Phone 7 look to be on the table at MIX 2011. We are also going to see information on Surface 2, ECMAScript 5, the next version of Web Forms, and the Microsoft Media Platform.

  • Microsoft on Plug-ins vs HTML5

    In an announcement signed Walid, Scott and Soma, Microsoft has clarified its position on the role of plug-ins vs. web standards such as HTML5. With a bit of humility, they are taking a fairly balanced stance by acknowledging the increasingly important cross-platform capabilities of HTML5 while still promoting the advanced capabilities of plug-in development.

  • Moonlight Playbacks Video Directly on GPU

    Moonlight has been enhanced to support GPU-accelerated video playback. Silverlight 5 will do the same, but with extra features.

  • LightSwitch Beta 2 Adds Support for Windows Azure

    Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2 allows publishing an application to Windows Azure, has improved runtime and design-time performance, better runtime UI, and allows any authenticated Windows user to run the application.

  • Native Extensions further to blur the boundary between Silverlight and WPF

    Designed for use with “out-of-browser” instances of Silverlight, it uses COM automation to expose features specific to Windows 7. The major feature areas include Message Interception, Sensor API, H.264 video encoding, taskbar extensions, Speech API, and access to portable devices.

  • A Case for WinForms

    When DevExpress released their roadmap for 2011, WinForms barely got a mention. As a ten year old technology that is basically abandoned by its creator this isn’t too surprising. But what it interesting the amount of negative feedback that generated. A lot of DevExpress’s customers just don’t see WPF or Silverlight as a viable replacement for their major applications.

  • Silverlight 4 Updates Improves Network Latency, Memory Usage

    Earlier this week Microsoft released an update to Silverlight that addresses several key issues in the platform. The most notable of these is a 90% improvement in network latency and a solution to the memory leaks caused by inline data templates.

  • Moonlight 4.0 Preview 1 Has Been Released

    Moonlight 4.0 Preview 1 includes all the Silverlight 3.0 API and a part of Silverlight 4.0 API. New features include: Out-of-Browser, GPU-accelerated graphics, 3D transformation, shaders, V4L2 video capture, H.264 and AAC, and better smooth streaming.

  • Accessing Windows 7 Features from Silverlight

    Microsoft has released a library exposing Windows 7 features – sensors, speech, devices, taskbar, touch – to Silverlight Out-of-Browser applications running with elevated trust.