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InfoQ Homepage Software Craftsmanship Content on InfoQ

  • Adding Security to Testing to Enable Continuous Security Testing

    Teams can be trained by security experts to become able to identify areas to add security testing in the test process and add security checks as part of functional test automation. This can lead to continuous security testing where security defects can be spotted at an early stage with higher security testing coverage in every release.

  • Shifting Quality Left with the Test Pyramid

    Shifting quality left means building in quality much earlier in the software development cycle, rather than testing for quality after completion of development. Using the test pyramid model, a project was able to move testing towards earlier stages, thereby finding defects that caused integration issues earlier in development.

  • Agile Approaches for Building in Quality

    Built-in quality is a core pillar in agile. However, if we want to build in quality at scale, we need to look at the whole development life cycle. Quality awareness needs to be increased at multiple layers of the organization; agile coaches can help by boosting quality thinking by embracing an agile way of working.

  • 2021 State of Testing Survey: Call for Participation

    The 2021 State of Testing survey aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops and to recognize the adoption of testing practices and testing trends. The survey is open through December.

  • Applying a Zero-Bug Policy at Redgate

    A zero-bug policy is a simple yet effective bug management system that can help you avoid being buried deep in months or sometimes even years-old bugs. Any bugs you agree are serious enough for you to fix, you fix right away, and any other bug will not be fixed and closed. Tom Walsh spoke about how Redgate Software applied the zero-bug policy at Lean Agile Exchange 2020.

  • Experiences from Using a Disciplined Approach to Change

    When a company embraces the agile path, the first question is: “Where do I want to go?” and not “What is the right framework to do agile?” A disciplined approach to change can help you to choose from possible practices such as a “design pattern book” for agile transformation, and to identify when a practice is promising and when the current context is not the most favorable for it.

  • Deliver Faster by Killing the Test Column

    Columns like "In test" often lead to teams having more work in progress and less work actually being finished. Removing such columns can increase collaboration between testers and developers and enable teams to deliver faster.

  • Ensuring Software Quality at eBay Denmark

    Quality is not only about not releasing bugs to production, it is much more than that. Quality is a product that is user-friendly, easy to access and use, has high performance/short load time, and is about code that is stable and easy to maintain. Jette Pedersen gave a talk about how to ensure good quality products at Swiss Testing Day 2020.

  • Q&A with Jeff Keyes of Plutora on the Transformative Impact of Value Stream Management

    Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) recently published their DevOps 2021 research that forecasts nearly 50% growth in VSM vendor penetration during 2020, and suggests VSM vendors are delivering against expectations. InfoQ spoke to Plutora, a leading VSM platform provider to understand what VSM adoption involves, how it can have a transformative impact and how it can fail.

  • OverOps Releases Second Annual DevOps Survey

    In their recent survey, OverOps, a continuous reliability platform vendor, found that within DevOps investment initiatives, organizations invest the most towards enabling the constant flow of software development. The survey also revealed that automated code analysis is being adopted more as engineering teams embrace cutting-edge technologies and practices.

  • AWS Announces General Availability of Amazon CodeGuru

    Recently, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon CodeGuru, a developer tool powered by machine learning. It provides intelligent recommendations for improving code quality and identifying an application's most expensive lines of code.

  • GitHub Super Linter Helps Developers Ensure No Broken Code Is Ever Merged

    GitHub Super Linter aims to automate the process of setting up your GitHub repositories so they will use the appropriate linter for your language whenever a pull request is created.

  • How Uber Deals with Unreachable Code Associated to Feature Flags in its Mobile Apps

    Piranha is a newly open-sourced tool by Uber that can be used to remove stale code in mobile apps written in Java, Objective-C, or Swift for Android and iOS. The tool was born with the aim to pay technical debt ensuing from the process of implementing and eventually removing feature flags, says Uber.

  • Organizational Topologies and Their Impact on Quality

    August Lilleaas recently wrote about the correlation between organization complexity and software quality citing a paper by Microsoft. Rapid Software Testing Methodology creator James Bach has also recently written about how we should interpret quality metrics. The authors of Team Topologies shared insights into how adapting organizational structure can improve the health of software.

  • Experiences from Mob Programming at an Insurance Startup

    What do you do when two developers in your team mention that they have been stuck on a task for three days? At an insurance startup, the whole team decided to try-out mob programming. From the first day they started to mob, their knowledge of the codebase increased. Working together also helped them to get to know each other better and to be more efficient as a team.