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  • Jonathan Allen on Equality Operator Overloading

    Jonathan Allen provides guidance through a systematic walkthrough of both a reference type and value type that support equality. Jonathan provides code samples in both VB and C# to demonstrate the nuances of each .NET language. He also covers usage in both structures and classes.

  • Extension Methods, DSLs, and Fluent Interface

    A brief look at Domain Specific Langauges, Fluent Interfaces, and how Extension Methods allow them to be used from C# and VB. Plus a tip on using extension methods in the .NET 2.0 framework.

  • Borrowing Functional APIs from F#

    The Common Language Specification ensures that any conforming .NET language can access libraries created by any other language. This means imperative languages like VB and C# can call functional libraries created primarily for F#. In fact, many can be converted directly into C# code.

  • Visual Studio 2008 to be Released this Month

    Today Somasegar, vice president of Microsoft's Developer Division, announced that .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 will be released by the end of November.

  • Visual Basic 9 Specification Released

    Microsoft has released the specifications for Visual Basic 9. This implies that the language is hardening and probably will not change much between now and the release date, expected to be later this year.

  • Visual Basic and C#: Differences in Nullable Types

    When .NET 1.0 was released, VB and C# were very similar. But with the fourth version nearing release, the differences are really mounting. Today we look at the subtle differences in nullable types that can trip up developers.

  • LINQ Aggregates in VB and C#

    An aggregate is a function that takes a collection of values and returns a scalar value. Examples from T-SQL include min, max, and sum. Both VB and C# have support for aggregates, but in very different ways.

  • Visual Studio to Finally Address Performance Issues

    Visual Studio has been plagued with performance issues that have been getting worse with each version. In a Channel 9 video, Cameron McColl apologized for the past performance issues and talks about improvements for VS 2008.

  • VB6 to VB.NET Conversions: Still Not a Reality

    Another piece of key VB 6 functionality, line and shape controls, has finally made it in to a VB 8 PowerPack. But for VB 6 developers looking to migrate is it too little, too late.

  • The "use" Binding In F# and How It Should Be Applied To C# and VB

    Possible enhancements for F# show how VB and C# can also change in the future.

  • Presentation: Erik Meijers on Democratizing the Cloud

    As the Dutch artist MC Escher once said "Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible". At Microsoft, Erik Meijers is trying to stretch .NET to cover the Cloud such that developers can incrementally and seamlessly design, develop, and debug complex distributed applications using your favorite existing and unmodified .NET compiler and deploy these applications anywhere.

  • Limitations of Closures in Visual Basic

    In part 6 of his series on closures, Jared Parsons takes about some of the limitations of closures in Visual Basic. While it is not explicitly called out, many of these limitations may also apply to C#.

  • New C# Features Not Found in VB

    With the release of Beta 2, the feature set for the flagship .NET languages C# and Visual Basic have been solidified. In the past we have covered VB-only features like mutable anonymous types and XML Literals. Today we cover a couple of the C# only features.

  • Performance Problems with Lambdas

    The LINQ Cookbook reveals some performance issues when using lambdas instead of traditional functions.

  • VB 9 Features – What Made the Cut

    With VB 9 getting closer to release, Microsoft had to make some hard decisions about what features were going to make the cut. While most of the important features made it in, there were some notable exceptions. Paul Vic has the rundown.