InfoQ Homepage Adopting Agile Content on InfoQ
Glen Ford on Cargo Cult Agile
Glen Ford discusses why imitating a culture without understanding it to become agile can be dangerous, what can happen when you copy a culture, and what organizations can do if they want to change their culture. He gives several examples on culture change and dives into what can make a culture chance successful.
Renee Troughton on Collaborative Learning, an Agile Transformation Meta Model and Visual Management
Renee discusses her experience with collaborative learning to help accelerate and make agile transformations stick in large organisations, the Agile Transformation Meta-Model which explores the multiple dimensions needed for effective agile adoption and the use and evolution of visual management tools
Jake Calabrese on Building Antifragile Teams and Relationships
Jake Calabrese speaks about creating a culture and environment of antifragility - one in which the relationships and interactions between the people are strong and able to not just cope with external pressure but actually gain from disorder or from healthy conflicts. Teams need to agree on not just their social contracts but how they respond to violations and challenges.
Mark Levison on Why Scrum Alone is Not Enough
Maek Levison discusses why Scrum alone is not enough for team and organisational change. The Scrum framework needs to be complimented by additional tools and practices in order to achieve lasting meaningful change. He provides examples of different practices which can be added in different contexts.
Bas Vodde and Craig Larman on Large Scale Scrum
Bas Vodde and Craig Larman talk about Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), its origins, and the focus on simplicity, as well as the corresponding website and their new book "Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS”.
Dan Greening on Chaos Theory and Agile Base Patterns
Dan Greening talks about agile teams as complex adaptive systems and identifies five "base patterns" which are necessary for sustainable agility in an organization. Three of these are team-level patterns, the other two are organization-level.
Sally Elatta on the Agility Health Check Tool
Sally Elatta talks about the Agility Health Check tool, with examples of where it has been used, the way teams and organisations can use the information collected and how the tool itself is evolving in response to market demand
Ian Culling on DevOps and the Latest Innovations from VersionOne
Ian Culling talks about the state of agile adoption, how organisations want to buy "the DevOps" and new features in the VersionOne product suite
Improving Technical Skills and Agile Practices
Ruud Wijnands talks about things that can and do go wrong with Agile transitions, improving technical skills and practices, supporting people in learning, the value that agile can bring to organizations and giving managers more insight into the possibilities of agile, helping teams to increase their agility and what managers can do to increase the success of agile transitions.
The Importance of Technical Practices in Agile
Tim Ottinger talks about things that can and do go wrong with Agile transitions, why facilitation matters in agile, increasing the understanding of agile, what is needed to create trust in the organization, the importance of technical practices in Agile, improving technical skills and practices and the “Taking back Agile” initiative.
Tony Grout and Chris Matts on Skype's Agile Transformation
Tony and Chris describe how Skype transformed their operations to adopt agile methods across 200+ teams spread over eight locations around the world. They discuss what worked, some of the challenges and share ideas that other organisations may be able to use in their own transitions.
Rachel Davies on Whatever Happened to Being Extreme
An interview with Rachel Davies about extreme programming and agile techniques, good things that have happened since the agile manifesto was published, developments that give agile a bad name and things that can be done to prevent that people think badly about agile and start to resist it and how scrum teams can adopt more technical practices from XP.