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Navigating Software Architecture at Scale: Insights from Decathlon’s Architecture Process
Raphaël Tahar, staff engineer at Decathlon, recently published his insights from co-leading an architecture process at scale. He depicts how, by combining methodologies like architecture committees, the C4 model, and System Thinking and emphasizing the importance of ADRs and centralized documentation, Decathlon ensures its teams are well-equipped to make informed, strategic decisions.
QCon London: The Art, Science and Psychology of Decision-Making
At QCon London 2024, Hannes Ricklefs, head of architecture at the BBC, gave a well-received talk on decision making. Ricklefs summarised the key reasons behind applying art, science and psychology to the discipline of decision-making, focusing on appropriate methodologies to use and the effects of biases on our ability to make good decisions in both a personal and business context.
AWS Publishes Guide to Architecture Decision Records
Amazon Web Services has published a guide for using architecture decision records (ADRs). They recommend a process to adopt and review ADRs in software engineering teams. The process results in a collection of approved, rejected, or superseded ADRs in a decision log.