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  • Survey Finds IT Still Not Aligned with Customer and Business Needs

    The results of a survey, run by Tasktop using the Forrester Modern Application Assessment Tool, indicate that, despite the ongoing adoption of agile, lean, DevOps and other "modern" approaches, there is still a large gap between IT development priorities and the needs of customers and business people in many organisations.

  • When Strategy Stops Being Slow

    More and more we see the words Agile and Strategy mentioned in the same phrase or title. Tim Leberecht, author of the book “The Business Romantic: Give Everything, Quantify Nothing, and Create Something Greater Than Yourself”, wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review on how to make your strategy more agile and why decision making doesn’t have to be a slow process.

  • CA Technologies CEO Says "Built To Change is the New Paradigm"

    CA Technologies CEO Mike Gregoire opened the recent CA World conference predicting that successful companies of the future will be “Built To Change” by putting software at the center of everything they do, and that they need to be "built to change" from the ground up with software as the primary enabler of competitive advantage. He gave examples of the impact of this disruption.

  • Stretching Agile in Offshore Development

    To remain agile while offshoring software development, you have to invest time to make agile practices work under conditions where they are not supposed to work. Giving up is often not an option; you need to stretch agile practices by going back to the principles and collaboratively find ways to scale them and make them work effectively in a distributed environment.

  • Talks at Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East 2016

    The third and fourth days of the triple conference Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East held in Orlando, Florida, continued the trend established by the first two, with talks covering a wide range of topics but with a clear emphasis on testing. While days 1 and 2 were filled with half and full-day tutorials, days 3 and 4 were based on one-hour talks.

  • Tutorials at Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East 2016

    Between the 14th and 18th November, the three conferences Better Software East, DevOps East and Agile Dev East are taking place simultaneously in the same venue in Orlando, Florida. The conferences are organised around two days of tutorials, two days of talks, and a closing Agile Summit day with keynotes by several international speakers. InfoQ attended the conference to report on its contents.

  • Continuous Delivery at Klaverblad Insurance

    Continuous delivery should be treated as an agile project as it is about automating your deployment. You have to speed up in small steps and gain trust by doing small deliveries and solve problems fast. The story about how Klaverblad insurance has implemented Agile, DevOps, continuous delivery, and microservices.

  • Don't Copy the Spotify Model

    The Spotify model can help you to understand how things are done at Spotify, but you shouldn’t copy it in your own organization. It changes all the time as people at Spotify learn and discover new things. There is no one way in which software is developed at Spotify.

  • Agile Executive Forum 2016 Summary

    The Agile Alliance hosted a one-day Executive Forum in San Jose, CA on September 19. The event attracted participants from around the world and a range of senior speakers from large organisations, and focused on how adopting agile development impacts companies and what executives need to do to help ensure successful cultural transformation, which is what agile adoption at scale is about.

  • Agile 2016: Lee Cunningham on Scaling Agile and VersionOne

    At the recent Agile 2016 conference Lee Cunningham, VersionOne’s Senior Director of Enterprise Agile Strategy, spoke to InfoQ about scaling agile, expanding agile beyond IT, identifying value and the direction of the VersionOne platform.

  • Benefits of Agile Transformation at Barclays

    Increased throughput, reduced code complexity, less production incidents, shorter deployment cycles and higher happiness in teams; these are some of the benefits that the agile transformation at Barclays has delivered. Within the first year of the transformation, which is based on Disciplined Agile, more than 800 teams adopted agile making this one of the largest agile implementations.

  • Agile in Dispersed or Distributed Teams

    Cross-cultural team building enables collaboration and teamwork in dispersed or distributed agile teams. You need to invest to get the best out of a dispersed team. An exploration about what is needed to make agile work with dispersed or distributed teams.

  • 11th Annual State of Agile Survey is Open

    The 11th annual state of agile survey is open through October 7, 2016. The survey explores the worldwide adoption of agile.

  • Agile 2016: Steve Denning on Agile within Large Organizations and Leadership in Agile

    At the recent Agile 2016 Conference, leadership expert and author Steve Denning presented a fishbowl-style session focused on the topics of Agile within Large Organizations and Leadership in Agile. He covered three broad topics: Engagement of Leaders - Agile Mindset Shift in Management, Agile Adoption Challenges and Agile in the Global Economy

  • Agile 2016: Industry Analyst Panel

    The Agile 2016 conference annual Industry Panel Discussion session examined Agile Trends and Future Directions. The panel discussed the implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the software industry, safety and ethics in AI systems, whether the Agile Manifesto should be updated, and the impact of tools on agile adoptions.