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InfoQ Call for Articles

Software is changing the world, and our mission is to help progressive software development teams adopt new technologies and practices.

InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry.

We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical.


Articles should be:

  • Timely because InfoQ tracks important and significant trends within our respective communities.
  • Educational, which means that they should teach our readers something non-trivial.
  • Practical, ie readers should take away processes and practices that they can apply in their daily work.

Our readers are senior technical influencers who are voracious learners, and typically influence innovation within their organizations. So, articles should address readers in a conversational rather than academic tone with an eye towards teaching them something useful. Articles should also have specific take-aways and readers should walk away with a set of actions to perform, a new theory to think about, or a thought-provoking question to answer. Perhaps the best examples come from our extensive list of published articles on InfoQ.

Before submitting a proposal, please read our author guidelines to ensure the best chance of having your article accepted.

If you are interested in submitting an article to InfoQ, contact us at If you would like feedback regarding the suitability of a topic, before writing the article, by all means send us an abstract. However, please note that acceptance is always based on an article itself, not an abstract.  First drafts are also considered.


As a peer practitioner and writer, you would be contributing your knowledge and experience to the community. Visibility is also a great reason to write - InfoQ’s audience surpassed 1.6 million unique visitors in the month of October. In addition, many of our articles are translated for international reach by InfoQ Brazil, InfoQ China, InfoQ France and InfoQ Japan.

Furthermore, the author of the article which raises the most interest / appreciation from the community will be rewarded with a ticket for an upcoming QCon of their choice: London, New York or San Francisco.

Deadline for article submissions is Dec 31, 2017. Winners will be announced on February 19, 2018.
Criteria for winning article are: highest number of pageviews and the highest number of social media shares, as follows: from the top 3 articles in terms of pageviews, the one with the highest number of social media shares will be the designated winner.


In addition to mainstay topics like Java and .NET we are especially, but not exclusively, looking for articles that fit into the innovator and early adopter stages:

Here is a more detailed list of the topics:

  • Data Science with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: Deep Learning, Tensorflow, AI, Brain-Computer Interface, Apache Beam, Reactive Data Pipelines, Reactive Big Data Architectures, Image recognition, Cognitive Services (IBM Watson, Microsoft Cognitive etc), Stream processing (includes Stream processing as a Service [SPaaS; Netflix Keystone] and Stream processing as a database), Apache Flink, Recommendation engines, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Graph Data Analytics, Data Lake as a Service, IoT Platforms.

  • DevOps with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: Unikernels, Redox OS, Full-stack tracing/debugging for microservices, CD for databases, Bootable apps (boxfuse), Container Orchestration (Kubernetes, Mesos, Docker Swarm, etc), ChatOps, DevOps dashboards with build release and ops info (eg Hygieia), container security solutions, minimalistic OS for containers (CoreOs, RancherOS, etc), self-service platforms (providing deployment, logging, monitoring, etc with embedded policies and procedures), Software-defined networks, Continuous Deployment, CD for embedded systems, enterprise DevOps adoption.

  • Cloud Computing with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: Lambda/Serverless, Hybrid cloud management.

  • WebAPI with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: Voice systems (Google’s Natural Language API, Amazon’s Alexa Voice Service API, etc), Cognitive (Microsoft Cognitive Services APIs, Google’s Awareness API, IBM Watson, etc), Trading APIs (eg Money Push, TradeIt), Payment APIs (eg PayU API, Align Commerce API, Captcha Coin API) , Dev tools like Zephyr.

  • Mobile + IoT + New Mediums for Apps & Software with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: IoT in the home, home automation and smart homes, virtual reality, augmented reality, voice-based interfaces (Siri, Alexa etc),- IoT in industrial applications, apps in cars (Apple CarPlay, Android Auto), wearables - in particular health and fitness apps at this point.

  • JavaScript/HTML5 with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: WebAssembly, Angular, Babel, TypeScript, Vue.js, Flow, Electron, Reactive Programming, Functional Programming, Elm, Bundling Tools, Native Programming (Mobile).

  • Architecture & Design with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: Blockchain, Service Meshes (Linkerd, Istio, etc), Reactive programming, Functional programming, CQRS, Event-Driven Architecture.

  • Java with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: Java 9 and beyond, lower level upcoming JVM features (Graal, value objects, etc), OpenJ9, Low latency/High-performance Java techniques, Reactive Java, Node on the jVM, Clojure, Kotlin, Ceylon, Alternative microservice frameworks (Lagom, vert.x, Ratpack, Dropwizard,, etc).

  • .NET with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: C# 7-8, .Net Core, F#.

  • General Development topics with a focus on any of the following sub-topics: Rust, Pony, Serverside-Swift, ElixirGo, Swift, Cloud-based IDEs such as Eclipse Che.

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