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InfoQ Homepage Automated testing Content on InfoQ

  • Hit or Miss: Reusing Selenium Scripts in Random Testing

    Just like during test execution process using an ‘exploratory’ technique, which is guided by a great deal of solid analytical thinking and a good portion of randomness, we can reuse or automate scripts to achieve similar results. All you need is a well-designed test automation solution and a bit of patience. Read the article to learn how you can use this approach in your testing activities.

  • Developing Quality Software: Differentiating Factors

    The level of software quality attainable is a reflection of an organizational business decision. There are many factors that influence this decision, including development, build and testing environments effectiveness, resources and their associated skillset, integrity, motivations and experience levels, commercial agreements, and adopted processes and productivity tools.

  • Interview with Wesley Coelho on Challenges in DevOps

    At the Agile 2016 Conference InfoQ spoke to Wesley Coelho, Senior Director of Business Development for Tasktop, about the communication challenges inherent in DevOps and how to overcome them; how DevOps and agile expose organisational silos and waterfall communications flows that need to become adaptive and automated.

  • How Ousta Simulates Rides within a Two-Minute Test Cycle

    Egyptian ride hailing provider Ousta has two mobile apps which interact with an event driven architecture using microservices. The combination of EDA and microservices facilitated a simulation system for automation, and a rapid development and testing cycle.

  • Technical Practices as a Hack on Consciousness: Why to Hack Yourself

    Software technical practices are usually adopted as a means of creating better products. These practices can create and maintain a healthy human system. Technical practices raise the consciousness of individuals and the team as a whole. Technical practices hack consciousness giving us a quick, deep chute into depths of connection that improve our selves, our products, and our world.

  • So, How Do You Make Agile Successful?

    It is not Agile's fault, it is your fault - Are you fed up with such statements? This article tries to provide a more constructive answer on how to make Agile successful. It first shows how Scrum can be harmful, then argues how Agile requires different skills on both product and delivery levels. It suggests to use CICD to counteract Scrum's traps and stresses the importance of systems thinking.

  • JUnit 5 - An Early Test Drive - Part 2

    JUnit, Java's most ubiquitous testing framework, is getting an update. In part one of our JUnit 5 coverage, we looked at how we got here and wrote some preliminary tests. In part two, we take a closer look at how to run tests and at some of the very cool new features JUnit 5 brings to the table for us developers.

  • Intro to knysa: Async-Await Style PhantomJS Scripting

    Typical PhantomJS test frameworks suffer from callback hell and other tricks that reduce the clarity of how the program flows. Bo Zou created knysa which uses async-await style programming to eliminate these callbacks. Additionally, there's no need to resort to currying and common try-catch-fail constructs are used to maintain a sane path through the code.

  • Beyond Page Objects: Next Generation Test Automation with Serenity and the Screenplay Pattern

    Automated acceptance testing reduces time wasted in manual testing and bug fixing, and when combined with Behaviour-Driven Development, can guide development effort. But it requires skill, practice and discipline. The Screenplay Pattern helps teams address these difficulties and is where you may end up by mercilessly refactoring Page Objects using SOLID design principles.

  • Developing Test Automation Scripts and Automation Frameworks

    In the article Alexander responds to the questions about the difference between test frameworks and test scripts and discusses an approach for how test a automation solution could be implemented.

  • Infrastructure Code Reviews

    As infrastructure becomes code, reviewing (and testing) provides the confidence necessary for refactoring and fixing systems. Reviews also help spread consistent best practices throughout an organization and are applicable where testing might require too much scaffolding.

  • Q&A on Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your Tests

    An interview with Gojko Adzic, David Evans and Tom Roden on why they wrote this book, how quantifying quality can support testing, balancing trust levels when testing large and complex systems, why automating manual tests is almost always a bad idea, on using production metrics in testing, how to reduce or prevent duplication in test code, and on upcoming books in the fifty quick ideas series.