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  • How Testers Can Make Organizations More Successful

    Tester should go beyond their testing discipline and go into the organization. By asking questions they can start a movement that increases product quality and helps organizations to become more successful as Mike Sutton explained in his closing keynote at the Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015 about test beyond quality – beyond software.

  • Connected Companies Put Customers at the Center of Everything

    Dave Gray talked about how a connected company focuses on customer efficiency instead of company efficiency at the No Pants Festival 2015. A connected company has multidisciplinary teams where people work together to deliver a product or service. People working at a connected company feel empowered, they are able to solve problems together and to better serve the needs of their customers.

  • Leadership and Management Approaches from Radical Companies

    Introducing and managing change in organizations can be challenging. InfoQ interviewed Jason Little who is involved in organizing the Spark the Change Canada 2015 conference about the leadership and management approaches that radical companies use, on finding better ways to manage people and about what will happen to management in the near future.

  • No Estimation in Small And Large Scale Agile Projects

    This post covers the value of estimation in large and small scale projects and views on no estimation.

  • Using Cost of Delay to Quantify Value and Urgency

    Joshua Arnold facilitated a workshop about Cost of Delay at the Lean Kanban France 2014 conference. InfoQ did an interview with Arnold in which he talks about the cost of delay: what it is, why it matters, the importance of quantifying it and some tips for getting started.

  • Evidence-Based Managing of Software Development

    If organizations want to make informed management decisions to maximize the delivered value they will need to gather evidence about value says Gunther Verheyen. InfoQ interviewed Gunther about evidence based software management and finding evidence, how Scrum relates to evidence-based managing, challenges in scaling agile, and advice for enterprises that want to adopt Scrum.

  • Using the "Worse is Better" Concept with Agile and Lean

    Less functionality can make a better product according to the “Worse is Better” concept described 25 years ago by Richard P. Gabriel. According to Kevlin Henney and Frank Buschmann we can learn from the worse is better concept for development and architecture with agile and lean.

  • Putting People First to Increase Motivation and Performance

    Focusing on the motivation of individuals can positively impact performance. An interview with Peter van Oevelen about motivating individuals, influencing the mood of teams, applying radical management, economies of motivation and building effective teams with individuals that have their own ideas, preferences and motivations.

  • The State of Agile – December 2014

    Recently we polled a small group of InfoQ editors, consultants and trainers asking them for their thoughts on the state of Agile adoption and what ideas, practices or techniques are emerging or being recognised as useful at the end of 2014. This is not a scientific study, rather an informal collection of opinions.

  • Adopting Innovative Ways to Manage Organizations

    Organizations are discovering new innovative ways to manage work and unleash the potential of the people who are working there. The Dare Festival Antwerp 2014 focuses on organization design and culture for networked organizations, providing ideas and actionable practices. Frederic Laloux explored 12 organizations who are using fundamentally new ways to manage work and their employees.

  • Liquefying an Organization to Increase Agility

    Organizations look for ways to increase their agility and becoming more adaptive and responsive. There a new wave of modern ways for managing organizations, supporting transparency and self-organization, taking off. LiquidO is an organizational governance model for arranging activities and decisions and giving credit, allowing everybody in an organization to take part in management activities.

  • Defining the Value of Software Products Precisely and Quantitatively

    The real requirements of a product are not the functions that are needed, or user stories that have to be delivered. It is the possible improvement of performance that customers can get from using the product said Matteo Vaccari. At the XP Days Benelux 2014 conference he facilitated a workshop together with Antonio Carpentieri about defining the value that is needed by customers.

  • Deploying Transparency and Self Regulating Management to Get Actions Done

    At the Lean Kanban France 2014 conference Bjarte Bogsnes gave a keynote presentation about beyond budgeting. In his presentation he talked about the problems with traditional management and how transparency and self regulating management comes to the rescue, and the principles and practices of beyond budgeting.

  • Agile at Scale with Hoshin Kanri

    When organizations decide to scale agile they can be looking for agile ways to define strategies, manage direction and sustain alignment. Deploying and stay aligned, is today's challenge said Pierre Neis. At the Lean Kanban France 2014 conference Pierre showed how using Hoshin Kanri has helped global players in their lean agile transition.

  • Becoming a Continuous Learning Organization

    Software Development is often considered to be knowledge intensive, therefor organizations look for ways to enable continuous learning. “We need learning organisations and they start with learning individuals” says Marcin Floryan. Individual learning can be difficult and scaling individual learning even more challenging. What can organizations do to become a continuous learning organization?