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The Lean Startup Frenzy
Is the Lean Startup movement another fad or a real source of value creation? The implications of the latter are extreme. If Lean Startup is a real way to achieve consistent success in new ventures then Eric Ries may have cracked the code toward persistent venture success and ultimately: wealth creation.
Product Backlog Ordering, Sequence for Success
Historically, some product owners have prioritized backlogs by making pairwise comparison of projected economic return between two items in isolation. Successful Agile teams often take a holistic approach, accounting for risk, dependencies, and the complex interplay among and across backlog items.
Bringing SOA and BPM Closer Together
With SOA and BPM still being most popular buzzwords in IT today, a question of their relationships is still debated between practitioners. The Process Isomorphism pattern, proposed by Jason Bloomberg, makes an attempt to bring them closer together.
REST is a style -- WOA is the architecture.
Dion Hinchcliffe discusses Web Architecture and the relationship of REST practices and principles in the construction of a Web Oriented Architecture (WOA). The relationship between WOA and SOA is also explored.
"Good Design" Means ...?
It's not news that at the heart of successful software systems (and, frankly, fulfilling software careers) is good design. Also not news is that defining what "good design" really means has been at the heart of many debates, papers, talks, books, discussions, and more for ages. To help, J.B. Rainsberger and Scott Bellware offer some advice to follow until that one true definition comes along.
What is the value of the Nokia Test?
A recent discussion thread on the Scrum Development Yahoo Group examined the value of process checklist tests such as the Nokia Test or the Joel Test. Some see these tests as the starting point for a rich agile maturity model, others worry that this could lead to prescriptive approaches to agile, which would miss the whole point of inspect-and-adapt entirely.
Moving the SOA Goalposts
During the past several years industry tried to define and redefine SOA many times, often contradicting itself in the process. Is SOA really changing that much, or all this is happening due to continuing lack of understanding of what SOA really is?
Should your architecture focus on SOA or BPM?
While SOA was the big name in the buzzword tag cloud, BPM is quickly getting bigger and bigger. As organizations are becoming more aware of the need to tame their processes in order to get the benefits of IT investments, BPM is gaining importance and mindshare inside and outside of IT. Is one more important for your architecture?
Buzzword – RIA Word Processor: Built Using Adobe Flex / AIR
Adobe recently acquired Virtual Ubiquity, the creators of Buzzword - a web based word processor. connected with David Coletta and Tad Staley of Adobe Systems to learn more about the product, the challenges and benefits of using Adobe Flex for its development, and what the future holds for the product.
Adobe Max 2007 North America - Wrap Up
Adobe was busy this week showing off their latest work at the 2007 Max Conference. Adobe continues to cater to developers with many of their efforts. The conference came with a number of interesting and exciting announcements for the developer community including:
Reflections on the Growth of Agile
There has recently been a great deal of discussion both inside and outside the agile community in which the essential question is: Has the word "agile" become meaningless?
SOA "Most Despised Buzzword"
According to a Network Computing reader poll, "SOA" is the most despised tech buzzword. Is this just a typical sign of the hype cycle "trough of disillusionment" or something the SOA community should take seriously?
InfoQ Interview: Tim Bray on Rails, REST, Java Dynamic Languages, and More
InfoQ Ruby editor Obie Fernandez interviews Tim Bray, one of the inventors of XML and current Director of Web Technologies for Sun Microsystems. We cover varied topics such as his opinions about Ruby and Rails, the impact of dynamic languages on web development, static versus dynamic typing, Sun's support of the JRuby project, Atom, and WS-* versus REST approaches to systems integration.
InfoQ Article: Enterprise-Ruby Wish List
Francis Cianfrocca asks "What do enterprise developers need, that they're not getting from their tools today?" Based on the answers to that question, he examines whether Ruby currently has anything valuable to offer in the form of an Enterprise Ruby wishlist.
Jeff Bezos Suggests Outsourcing Least Important 70%; A Boost for Rails? founder, Jeff Bezos, explains 70% of a project's time is spent on inconsequential tasks and suggests these could be outsourced to third parties or technologies, such as Rails.