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Tomas Petricek on F#, Type Providers, Functional and Reactive Programming
Tomas Petricek explains F# and some of its features like Type Providers, pits F# Computation Expressions vs Monads, and highlights issues teaching functional programming to developers, and much more.
Declan Whelan on Agile Coaching, Lean Startups and the Agile Alliance
Declan Whelan discusses Agile Coaching and the lessons learnt returning to coding as part of a new lean startup as well Agile Coach Camp, pair coaching and his role on the Agile Alliance board.
Brian Rasmussen on Building Language Tools With Project Roslyn
Brian Rasmussen explains Project Roslyn: accessing information about a code base, creating static analysis tools, building REPLs and other scripting tools with Roslyn, VS integration and much more.
Martin Odersky on the Future of Scala
In this interview Martin Odersky, the creator of the Scala language talks about work on the next version of Scala and how the functionalities in the JVM help make Scala better. Odersky touches on how some of the most popular entities on the web, such as Twitter and LinkedIn use Scala. And he discusses the complexity of the language and its role as a functional and object-oriented language.
Josh Bloch on Java and Programming
In this interview, Google’s Josh Bloch shares his views on the open-source Java landscape as well as on the future of the Java language, including changes being implemented via Project Coin. Bloch also discusses support for multi-core in programming languages, support for multiple languages on the JVM, Java pain points and the “next big language.”
Simon Thompson and John Hughes on Functional Programming with Erlang and Haskell
Functional programming experts Simon Thompson and John Hughes discuss functional programming in today’s computing environments, particularly through the use of the Erlang and Haskell languages. In addition to debating the intricacies of both languages and their similarities and differences, Thompson and Hughes also discuss the growing popularity and maturity if functional programming.
Jim Coplien: Why DCI is the Right Architecture for Right Now
Jim Coplien, co-creator of Data, Context and Interaction (DCI) architecture, covers a variety of topics including DCI, the importance of language support for DCI and the state of Agile development. Coplien has championed the DCI architecture with Trygve ReensKaug, the inventor of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates data and its processing from presentation.
Don Syme Answering Questions on F#, C#, Haskell and Scala
In this interview made by InfoQ’s Sadek Drobi, Don Syme, a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research, answers questions mostly on F#, but also on functional programming, C# generics, type classes in Haskell, similarities between F# and Scala.
Ted Neward on Present and Past Languages
In this interview filmed during QCon London 2008, Ted Neward, author of "Effective Enterprise Java", talks about languages, statical, dynamical, objectual or functional. He dives into Java, C#, C++, Haskell, Scala, VB, and Lisp, to name some of them, comparing the benefits and disadvantages of using one or another.
QCon Panel: What will the Future of Java Development Be?
In this panel discussion from QCon San Francisco, several influential leaders of the software development community discussed and debated the future of the Java language and APIs based upon the lessons we have learned from the past. Topics included static versus dynamic languages, removing code from Java, forking the JVM, and the next big programming language.
Mads Torgersen on C# Futures
In this interview, Floyd Marinescu interviews Mads Torgersen about the futures of C#. They discuss LINQ, parallelism and Mads provides his thoughts on functional programming and languages like F#.
Richard Hale Shaw on C# 2.0 features leading us into 3.0 functionality
Join Richard Hale Shaw as InfoQ peppers him with questions about the C# language and differences between C# 2.0 and 3.0. Richard provides insights developing with the Enterprise Library and waxes wisely on Generics and IEnumerator.