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Custom Response Caching Using NCache in ASP.NET Core
NCache is a cross-platform, open-source distributed caching framework from Alachisoft. It is an extremely fast distributed caching framework that is linearly scalable. This article presents a discussion on how we can work with NCache and response caching middleware in ASP.NET Core.
Article Series - .NET Core - 2nd Series
In this series, we explore some of the benefits .NET Core and how it can help traditional .NET developers and all technologists who need to bring robust, performant and economical solutions to market
Chris Fregly on the PANCAKE STACK Workshop and Data Pipelines
InfoQ Interviews Chris Fregly, organizer for the 4000+ member Advanced Spark and TensorFlow Meetup about the PANCAKE STACK workshop, Spark and building data pipelines for a machine learning pipeline
Scaling Docker with Kubernetes V1
Find out what's new in Kubernetes V1 with a Jenkins example in Google Container Engine (and locally with Vagrant). Kubernetes V1 brings enterprise-level capabilities such as self healing, service discovery, dynamic DNS, resource quotas, centralized logging, network isolation, resource quotas. In short, Kubernetes V1 makes management of Docker fleets easier.
Flocker Tutorial: Migrating a Stateful Dockerized ElasticSearch-Logstash-Kibana Stack
Microservice architectures and container-based virtualization have taken the software development community by storm, but the issue of managing state within this technology is yet to be fully solved. This article provides a 'hands on' tutorial demonstrating how to achieve the benefits of containers for your stateful services like databases, using Flocker, an open source project from ClusterHQ.
Mobile Apps Offline Support
Offline support for mobile applications can be thought of as the ability for the app to react gracefully to the lack of connectivity. The rather new context of mobile devices introduced problems such as presence or absence of a network connection or even high latency and low bandwidth. This article covers approaches to these problems in the field of mobile app development.
DevOps is Not a Feature!
DevOps is the industrialization of IT, says Nati Shalom. Organizations that wish to optimize for speed and cost cannot afford silos anymore."Doing DevOps" is not adding new features to existing tools. In this article, Shalom takes us through the differences between management solutions in a pre and post DevOps world.
Review and Interview with Dean Hume - Author of Fast ASP.NET Websites
In the review, Anand examines the coverage of Fast ASP.NET Websites authored by Dean Hume. The book helps developers to learn the various techniques associated with the optimization of ASP.NET websites.
Uncovering mysteries of InputFormat: Providing better control for your Map Reduce execution.
In their article authors, Boris Lublinsky and Mike Segel, show how to leverage custom InputFormat class implementation to tighter control execution strategy of Maps in Hadoop Map Reduce jobs.
Concurrency Controls in Data Replication
Learn about leading concurrency control mechanisms used for data replication in distributed environments, comparing synchronous and asynchronous implementations with/without locking - techniques used by Oracle RAC, TimesTen, and GigaSpaces and NoSQL databases. Explore tradeoffs among performance, consistency, deadlocks, and conflicting updates in the context of a sample distributed application.
Infinispan's GridFileSystem - An In-Memory Grid File System
Infinispan is an open source data grid platform that makes use of distributing state across nodes in a cluster. GridFileSystem is a new, experimental API that exposes an Infinispan-backed data grid as a file system. In this article, authors discuss distributed mode of Infinispan and how GridFS framework manages data caching by chunking up data using a new streaming API and storing them in a grid.
Extreme Transaction Processing Patterns: Write-behind Caching
Lan Vuong shows how to optimize the performance of an application by leveraging the write-behind caching pattern which sends batch updates to the back-end database asynchronously within a user configurable interval of time, instead of doing sychronous write-through updates typical in web apps.