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InfoQ Homepage Clustering & Caching Content on InfoQ

  • Rails Caching Reloaded With EHCache

    Rails 2.1 brings new caching features which makes it very easy to cache any values including models. Apart of the basic File, Memory and DRb stores, Memcached was the only solution to do shared memory cache. JRuby (on Rails) can now use the popular Java distributed cache EHCache as part of its new Cache stores thanks to Dylan Stamat.

  • Presentation: Jinesh Varia About Amazon Alexa Web Service's Architecture

    In this presentation, Jinesh Varia, a Web Services Evangelist at Amazon, talks about the architecture of one of Amazon's web services called Alexa. Jinesh explains how Amazon has reached scalability, performance and reduced costs for the Alexa service.

  • Hibernate 3.3: Redesigned, Modular JARs and a Refactored Caching System

    Hibernate, a Java-based Object/Relational (O/R) mapping framework, released version 3.3 today. InfoQ spoke with project lead Steve Ebersole to learn more about this release and what new capabilities it adds to Hibernate.

  • Presentation: The Top 10 Ways to Botch Enterprise Java Application Scalability and Reliability

    In this presentation, Cameron Purdy discusses Java scaling. Topics include performance improvement versus scaling improvement, serial bottlenecks, queue theory, rewriting existing frameworks, avoiding the database, single points of failure, avoiding abstractions, disaster recovery, one-size-fits-all architecture, large JVM heaps, network failures, and trusting product claims.

  • Grails Gains Cloud Hosting with Morph AppSpace

    Morph AppSpace is a cloud-based platform for hosting web applications. The latest release has added support for Groovy and Grails. InfoQ caught up with David Abramowski, CEO of Morph Labs to get some more details around it's recent move into the Java space.

  • Terracotta-VisualVM Integration Offers Cluster-wide Visualization and Event Correlation

    Terracotta integration with Sun Microsystem's VisualVM tool offers JVM and cluster-wide visualization. Terracotta announced last week its integration with Sun's VisualVM technology which gives Java developers and web administrators visualization and analysis capabilities to assist in tuning and troubleshooting of Java applications using the Terracotta management console.

  • Opinion: Multiple Processor Computing Challenges go Beyond Purely Technical Issues

    In his position statement for the International Computer Music Conference 2008, Peter Van Roy raises a number of issues related to the emergence of multi-core processors and loosely coupled systems and suggests possible solutions. Though challenges brought by these two forms of concurrency computing are very different in their nature, both they go beyond purely technical problems.

  • RAM is the new disk...

    Jim Gray, a man who has contributed greatly to technology over the past 40 years, is credited with saying that memory is the new disk and disk is the new tape. With the proliferation of "real-time" web applications and systems that require massive scalability, how are hardware and software relating to this meme?

  • Distributed Caching with JBoss Cache: Q&A with Manik Surtani

    JBoss Cache is an enterprise-grade clustering solutions for Java-based applications, that aims to provide high availability and dramatically improve performance by caching frequently accessed Java objects. In this post InfoQ has a round-up interview with project lead Manik Surtani.

  • Need to Scale Fast? Just Re-Architect it!

    The team at Delores Lab talk about lessons learned when their their site was featured on the Yahoo! home page, going from 500 to 100,000 visits overnight!

  • NCache: A Distributed Cache for the .NET Platform Available Today

    While we wait for Microsoft to finish Velocity, its attempt at building distributed memory cache for the .NET platform, we turn to other more established vendors. One such vendor is Alachisoft's and its NCache product. Currently Alachisoft offers both a free and a paid SKU, the latter supporting NHibernate.

  • Velocity: Microsoft's Distributed In-Memory Cache

    Distributed in-memory caches have been rather popular over the last few years in everything from mainstream Java applications to the fringe languages like Erlang. Continuing its rather frantic efforts to catch up with technologies predominately found in the open source world, Microsoft has introduced its own distributed cache.

  • Appistry Java/C++ Grid Fabric Goes Free for up to 5 Servers

    Appistry recently released a free 5 server community edition of their EAF product. InfoQ sat down with VP Sam Charrington to discuss this move and Appistry's overall place in the grid/cloud computing landscape.

  • Compass 2.0: Simplification, integration, and performance improvements

    The Compass project, an open source project based on Lucene which aims to simplify the integration of search into Java applications, recently released version 2.0. InfoQ spoke with Compass founder Shay Banon to learn more about this release and about what Compass provides to the Java community.

  • GemFire 5.5 Adds Continuous Query and Repeatable Read Support

    The latest release of GemFire - an in-memory data management product - offers distributed event processing capabilities with the introduction of continuous querying and durable event notifications as well as other new features. InfoQ discussed with Jags Ramnarayan, Chief Architect at GemStone, about these new features and the product's roadmap.