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  • Keeping Technology Change Human

    When we are at the forefront of so much change, it's easy to forget that other people around us find change more challenging. This article is a reminder to look beyond the code and processes, to consider how tech team actions can affect our users in emotional ways. It seeks to establish a few ways of thinking to help bring others along with us when working through technology change.

  • The Flow System: Leadership for Solving Complex Problems

    The Flow System elevates Lean Thinking in an age of complexity by combining complexity thinking, distributed leadership, and team science into the Triple Helix of Flow, which organizations can use to become more innovative, adaptive, and resilient. This second article on The Flow System dives into the three helixes of complexity thinking, distributed leadership, and team science.

  • Increasing Developer Effectiveness by Optimizing Feedback Loops

    We can think of engineering as a series of feedback loops: simple tasks that developers do and then validate to get feedback, which might be by a colleague, a system (i.e. an automation) or an end user. Using a framework of feedback loops we have a way of measuring and prioritizing the improvements we need to do to optimize developer effectiveness.

  • The Rise of Asynchronous Collaboration and What It Means for Development Teams

    Drew Falkman from @modus-create shares his perspective on Zoom fatigue and the rise of asynchronous collaboration tools. He offers tips for how to get the most out of the tools his team uses -- like Miro, a virtual whiteboard platform, and Trello, a project management tool. He explores the pros and cons of different tools and approaches.

  • Site Reliability Engineering Experiences at Instana

    With the popularity of distributed architectures, distributed databases, containers and container orchestrators, an approach that emphasizes automation and a culture of collaboration is a natural fit for modern day operations. Site Reliability Engineering takes engineering practices that have been established and proven in software engineering and applies them to the field of operations.

  • Challenges of Working Remotely in Africa

    Remote work can present new complexities such as communication gaps, time zone challenges, and even lack of transparency. Nonetheless, a well-managed remote team can readily overcome all these issues while discovering many benefits at the same time. This article focuses on the current situation in Africa citing specific challenges and solutions drawn from real companies in Nigeria.

  • Zuzana Šochová on Becoming an Agile Leader

    The book The Agile Leader by Zuzana Šochová explains the need for agile leaders and explores what agile leadership looks like. It describes the skills of agile leaders, practices that they use, and provides exercises and assessments that can be used to become an agile leader.

  • Moving from Collocated Management to Remote Leadership

    Management in a remote organization is vastly different from that in a collocated one. Copying in-person interactions to digital tools does not cultivate a great culture nor does it contribute to better collaboration. This article aims to give you an idea of what the move to remote leadership entails and why it is essential for the success of any business in the remote work era.

  • Designing & Managing for Resilience

    The fourth article in a series on how software companies adapted and continue to adapt to enhance their resilience explores the strategies used by engineering leaders to help create the conditions for sustained resilience. It provides stories, examples, and strategies towards designing an organizational structure to support resilient performance and managing for resilience.

  • Put the Feedback back into “Demo & Feedback”

    As agilists, we know the importance of showing our work and getting feedback as early as we possibly can. That feedback guides what we do next. To get what you need to meet the desires of your stakeholders, this article looks at the demo and the feedback part of that session and provides suggestions for creating amazing demo & feedback sessions.

  • Becoming More Efficient and Productive in a Distracted World

    This article highlights how increased distractions in agile teams can affect our mental health and cause burnout. It outlines how various productivity hacks can help to reduce this problem and make you highly efficient using real-life experiences. Finally, it discusses various steps the software industry can take to help preserve our mental health and reduce distractions.

  • Culture & Methods Trends Report March 2021

    The most significant impact on culture and methods in 2021 is the disruption caused by COVID-19. We look at what's needed for good remote and the impact of bad remote, how management practices are evolving, and the importance of people skills for technologists. Paying attention to ethical issues, diversity and inclusion, tech for good, employee experience and psychological safety are important.