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InfoQ Homepage Collaboration Content on InfoQ

  • Nils Haugen on Planning Poker

    In this short InfoQ interview, Nils Haugen spoke with Floyd Marinescu about the "Planning Poker" technique he relies on to improve team estimates. Having consciously experimented with it for a while, he described this simple practice and why it works: by making space for team members to each contribute their own perspective. In this way, it's good for estimates and for teambuilding.

    Nils Haugen on Planning Poker
  • Linda Rising on Collaboration, Bonobos and The Brain

    In this InfoQ interview, author and coach Linda Rising reflected on scientific research suggesting that we may be hardwired to work in small, collaborative teams. She also explained what led up to her popular Agile2006 talk "Are Agilists the Bonobos of the Software World?" which focused on their "make love not war" social rituals. The apes' rituals, that is.

    Linda Rising on Collaboration, Bonobos and The Brain