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Zero-Knowledge Proofs for the Layman
This article will introduce you to zero-knowledge proofs, a kind of cryptography you can use to provide the proof you know a secret, such as a private key or the solution to a problem, without ever sharing it to an interested party. While many articles exist on the topic, this will not require any high math knowledge.
Who Moved My Code? An Anatomy of Code Obfuscation
In this article, we introduce the topic of code obfuscation, with emphasis on string obfuscation. Obfuscation is an important practice to protect source code by making it unintelligible. Obfuscation is often mistaken with encryption, but they are different concepts. In the article we will present a number of techniques and approaches used to obfuscate data in a program.
An Introduction to Post-Quantum Public Key Cryptography
Though quantum computers are in their infancy, their further development could make them commercially available. When that day comes, all public and private keys will be exposed to quantum threats, a massive risk for every organization. Understanding quantum computing growth and the impact it would have on cryptography is key for everyone, irrespective of their role.
The Next Evolution of the Database Sharding Architecture
In this article, author Juan Pan discusses the data sharding architecture patterns in a distributed database system. She explains how Apache ShardingSphere project solves the data sharding challenges. Also discussed are two practical examples of how to create a distributed database and an encrypted table with DistSQL.
Blockchain Node Providers and How They Work
In this article, we will review the concept of a blockchain node, the problems a developer might face while deploying a node, and the working principle of Blockchain-as-a-Service providers, which simplify the integration of the blockchain into products, maintaining wallets, or keeping the blockchain in sync.
How to Use Encryption for Defense in Depth in Native and Browser Apps
Isaac Potoczny-Jones discusses the pros and cons of application-layer encryption. He covers the attack surface of application-layer encryption in the browser, how it is very different from native clients, and how WebCrypto helps.
The Current State of Blockchain - Panel Discussion (Part 2)
The final two panelists introduce themselves and share their views of the current state of the Blockchain world. We're joined by Richard Brown, CTO at R3 and David Gerard, journalist and author of "Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain"
The Current State of Blockchain - Panel Discussion (Part 1)
The first two panelists introduce themselves and give their view of the current state of blockchain. John Davies, CTO and co-founder of Velo Payments, and Conor Svensson, author of the web3j library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, give their view on the current state of blockchain.
Mastering Blockchain: Book Review and Author Q&A
Blockchain was invented in 2008 for Bitcoin to solve the main issue with digital currencies, i.e., the possibility that a token be spent more than once by duplicating it. Packt Publishing Mastering Blockchain by Imran Bashir aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Blockchain, a technology that is claimed to be able to revolutionise our society and impact every industry.
Cryptocurrency and Online Multiplayer Games
The era of cryptocurrency opens new possibilities for game publishers and developers. However, it is not yet a fully-developed market and there are many things that should be taken into account before entering it. This article reviews the main pros and cons of entering this new and highly volatile field.
Cloud Data Auditing Techniques with a Focus on Privacy and Security
The authors provide a guide to the current literature regarding comprehensive auditing methodologies. They not only identify and categorize the different approaches to cloud data integrity and privacy but also compare and analyze their relative merits. For example, their research lists the strengths and weaknesses of earlier work on cloud auditing, which allows researchers to design new methods.
Philipp Jovanovic on NORX, IoT Security and Blockchain
In this interview, originally published on InfoQ France, Mathieu Bolla talks to Philipp Jovanovic, a Cryptographer at EPFL, about NORX, IoT Security and keeping yourself safe on-line, and Blockchain.