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InfoQ Homepage Domain Specific Languages Content on InfoQ

  • Does code become better as it approaches English?

    Achieving readability and expressiveness by writing English-like code is one of the trends on the rise in today’s industry. Michael Feathers advocates for considering other alternatives that can be instrumental for improving code expressiveness. He argues that in some circumstances symbolic approach is more appropriate than the narrative one and highlights some trades-offs between them.

  • Treetop - PEG parser generator for Ruby

    Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG) are a type of recursive descent parsers that have become quite popular recently. Now Ruby gets its own PEG parser generator with Treetop.

  • The state of the Lambda in Ruby 1.9

    One of Ruby 1.9's little additions is a new, more concise way to create lambda functions, amongst some other clarifications in the way Blocks work. We take a look at the changes and the reasons for them.

  • Robert Pickering on F# Workflows

    In this second InfoQ exclusive article, Robert Pickering continues the conversation diving deep into how workflows work in F#. Workflows in F# provide the building blocks for library implementors to create DSLs.

  • Decisions driven by productivity concerns: Reasons, implications and limitations

    Often the necessity to rapidly adapt software projects to new clients’ needs results in adopting approaches focused on productivity. Reasons, implications and limitations of this were recently discussed in the blog sphere.

  • Programming languages in future systems

    The trend seems to be clear; in the next few years there will be an increase in adoption of new programming languages and systems will be written in multiple languages. But what does the mix look like, and which languages are suitable for what? In a recent post, language explorer and JRuby developer Ola Bini describes what future systems may look like.

  • Separating business logic from technology: Kathleen Dollard on a new view of code generation

    Even the most successful project becomes a failure when a new technology comes out and everything has to be rewritten from the ground. This is why business logic has to be separated from technology. And, according to Kathleen Dollard, code generation is a promising approach to achieve it.

  • Interview: Charles Simonyi on Intentional Software

    Charles Simonyi, the President of Intentional Software and a recent space traveller presents his views on the future of software development. He talks about how to include domain experts in the development cycle by letting them express their intentions in domain specific languages, about Intentional's view on DSLs and Domain Driven Design and about what it was like to be a space tourist.

  • InfoQ Presentation: MetaProgramming Ruby

    InfoQ presents a video of Dave Thomas' QCon London presentation "MetaProgramming Ruby". Dave presents the basic Ruby language features for implementing Ruby on Rails features such as has_many. Class methods, open classes, Mixins, and more tools for metaprogramming are demonstrated and explained.

  • Interview: Guillaume Laforge on Groovy and DSLs

    Groovy project manager Guillaume Laforge discusses the history of Groovy, it's relationship to Java, where Groovy fits into Java development, how Groovy compares to Ruby, how Groovy enables domain-specific languages, and what future Groovy development will focus on.

  • Why do Java developers hate BPM?

    John Raynolds asked recently the question: "Why do java developers hate BPM?". His controversial post generated a lot of comments that speak more generally about the growing divide between modeling environments and development environments, and the role of the business in traditional development cycles.

  • InfoQ Minibook: Composite Software Construction

    In a new InfoQ minibook, InfoQ SOA Editor and SOA Enterprise Architect Jean-Jacques Dubray describes the state of the art and emerging new approaches in building "Composite Software", solutions created by assembling existing services. The book is available as an InfoQ Minibook, i.e. free of charge in PDF format for InfoQ users. A printed version is available too.

  • Extension Methods, DSLs, and Fluent Interface

    A brief look at Domain Specific Langauges, Fluent Interfaces, and how Extension Methods allow them to be used from C# and VB. Plus a tip on using extension methods in the .NET 2.0 framework.

  • Martin Fowler unveils details of his upcoming DSL book

    Martin Fowler unveiled some details about his upcoming book on DSLs through his Work In Progress gateway. In the draft of its introductory part, Fowler gives an example of a Domain Specific Language case and provides some new insights on DSLs, their implementation and use.

  • Is a picture always worth a thousand words?

    <p>Is a picture always worth a thousand words?</p> <p>In his recent article, &#8220;Why we write code and don&#8217;t just draw diagrams&#8221;, Dean Wampler argues that in software development the opposite is more often true. </p>