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Automating Platform Upgrades at eBay
eBay recently provided insights into their adoption of a pipeline-driven automation solution, enabling them to achieve continuous updates to their framework and infrastructure. The solution architecture has the potential to become more versatile as it adopts a pluggable and loosely coupled approach, allowing for easier extensibility.
Using Code Instrumentation for Fault Injection at the Application Level at eBay
eBay engineers have been using fault injections techniques to improve the reliability of the notification platform and explore its weaknesses. While fault injection is a common industry practice, eBay attempted a novel approach leveraging instrumentation to bring fault injection within the application level.
Managing Complex Dependencies with Distributed Architecture at eBay
The eBay engineering team recently outlined how they came up with a scalable release system. The release solution leverages distributed architecture to release more than 3,000 dependent libraries in about two hours. The team is using Jenkins to perform the release in combination with Groovy scripts.
Automating Software Quality Certification at eBay
The eBay Application Platform Team has started using Kubernetes Operators, Helm Charts and Jenkins to ensure software quality at the organization. In order to perform safe changes within the associated containers and environments, the team has created a self-service “certification” solution.
Engineering Your Organization through Services, Platforms, and Communities
Organizations need to be able to sustainably deliver value to their customers and business; that is why they exist, said Randy Shoup at QCon Plus May 2021. To do so, they need to be able to effectively and efficiently leverage the “resources” they have at their disposal- their people, teams, and technology.
eBay Adopts AsyncAPI for Asynchronous API Contracts
eBay recently announced that it adopted AsyncAPI for its external asynchronous API contracts. In March 2021, eBay launched its first AsyncAPI-based contracts for its new business event notification capabilities.
Ebay Open-Sources Package to Reduce Test Flakiness Using Swift and Xcode
Targeted Auto Retry is Ebay's approach to dealing with test flakiness that aims to make a continuous integration pipeline more resilient to flaky test steps. To make this approach straightforward to use, Ebay has open sourced a lightweight framework for the Swift language that can be used with Xcode unit testing framework.
eBay Rearchitected Android App to Leverage App Bundles and Dynamic Feature Delivery
eBay engineers worked with Google to rearchitecture and reimplement their mobile app to take advantage of several new technologies, including Android app bundles (AAB) and Kotlin. They also took the chance to improve test automation, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), and overcome global infrastructure limitations.
Running Envoy as an Edge Proxy at eBay: Replacing Hardware Load Balancers with a Software Solution
At the inaugural EnvoyCon that ran in Seattle, USA, the eBay engineering team talked about running the Envoy Proxy at the edge as a replacement for hardware-based load balancers. Key learnings included that having a “programmable edge” provides many advantages and also several challenges.
eBay Replatforming to Kubernetes, Envoy and Kafka: Intending to Open Source Hardware and Software
eBay has discussed how they are conducting a replatforming initiative across their entire technology stack, including building and releasing as open source both the hardware and software. Open source is fueling the software transformation of eBay’s infrastructure with cloud native technologies like Kubernetes, Envoy, MongoDB, Docker and Apache Kafka.
eBay's Accelerator Data Processing Framework Provides Parallel Execution and Live Recommendations
eBay's Accelerator data processing framework provides parallel execution and automatic organization of source code, input data, and results. It can be used for data analysis, and algorithm development, as well as a live recommendation system.
Lessons Learned From Scaling Services at Google and eBay
Randy Shoup shared his experiences to the QCon London audience in scaling services at Google and eBay, giving advice on building and operating services. A successful services strategy requires end-to-end service ownership, decentralized decision-making and standardization efforts focused on protocols of communications and supporting infrastructure.
eBay Announces
After a teaser with clues last week, Subbu and the engineering team at eBay have unveiled, a SQL inspired dsl to enable frictionless composition of web API's with a SQL like syntax.
Presentation: Architecting for Latency
In this presentation, Dan Pritchett addresses latency issues in web applications that should be dealt with from the beginning when the system is designed. Dan offers some practical solutions to latency.
Industry Luminaries Weigh into Scalability Debate
As part of its virtual panel series, InfoQ has brought together scalability and performance architects from some of the biggest and most visible projects around, to let us into their secrets for achieving results the rest of us would just dream of.