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  • Google Will Propose QUIC As IETF Standard

    Google has recently announced that they will propose their experimental transport layer network protocol QUIC as a IETF Standard. Furthermore. Google has provided the first available figures about the improvements in page load time that QUIC makes possible.

  • Firefox 37 Brings Native Playback of HTML5 Video

    Mozilla has released Firefox 37, bringing native playback of HTML5 video for Windows, and many security changes.

  • HTTP/2 Specifications Approved for Publication

    HTTP/2 specifications have been approved for publication, according to the IETF. 15 years after the launch of HTTP/1.1, IETF have gone through over 200 design issues, 17 drafts, and 30 implementations to get the specification approved to be published as standards-track RFCs.

  • What is the Web?

    Mark Nottingham, chair of the HTTP Working Group, asks the question What is the Web? As he mentions, this simple question has some complex and perhaps unexpected answers depending upon your perspective. A common approach would be to say that it has to be rooted in the Web browser, but that has some interesting consequences, not all of which are useful for non-browser stakeholders.

  • Heroku’s HTTP API Design Guide

    Wesley Beary, a member of the API team at Heroku, has compiled a list of guidelines for creating HTTP+JSON APIs presented in a condensed form here.

  • Continuous Delivery Challenges in Mobile Development

    Jesper Richter-Reichhelm, Head of Engineering at Wooga, spoke at GOTO Amsterdam 2014 about some of the challenges teams face developing mobile games with a continuous delivery mindset. In particular Jesper stressed how lack of control over the software delivery process on mobile nearly crashed their business.

  • Swagger Creator Wants to Build Better SOAP for Web APIs

    During the recent GlueCon 2014 conference in Colorado, Tony Tam, the creator of Swagger and CEO of Reverb, gave a well attended talk on Swagger APIs for humans (and robots), where he announced the Swagger 2.0 Working Group and an early version of an online code editor offering a dynamic YAML to Swagger UI conversion.

  • The Performance of Dart 1.3 Is on Par with Node.js

    The Google Dart team has announced Dart SDK 1.3 which improves the performance of asynchronous server-side code to the point that Dart VM is on par with Node.js, the later using another Google technology, the V8 engine.

  • Google Wants to Speed Up the Internet with QUIC

    QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections, pronounced 'quick') is a multiplexing transport protocol running over UDP with the main goal to have 0-RTT connectivity overhead.

  • What to Expect From HTTP/2

    In a recent blog posting Mark Nottingham, chair of the HTTP/2 Working Group, gives his opinion on 9 things to expect in the next version of the Web standard which is rapidly nearing completion and implementations are starting to appear.

  • Koa Web Framework 0.2.0 Release

    The NodeJS based Koa web application framework has released version 0.2.0. Koa is the successor of the popular Express MVC platform, but relies heavily on newer ES6 constructs. This release is marked as an important one in that that it reaffirms the team’s design choices from the initial 0.1.0 release, solidifying Koa's API for future releases and production use.

  • Strengthening HTTP

    The recent Snowden revelations have impacted the IETF HTTP/2 Working Group and how the protocol should handle encryption, i.e., should it be mandated? Mark Nottingham, the Working Group chair, shares his thoughts on the discussions so far and gives a clue as to how he sees it being resolved given information so far. He concludes by asking anyone with an opinion to share it with the Working Group.

  • Are REST Alternatives Needed?

    Ole Lensmar, creator of SoapUI, has asked whether REST is really appropriate for architectures that require real-time, asynchronous interactions and binary protocols. In his article he discusses these areas and believes that alternative approaches are required.

  • Twitter Open Sources CocoaSPDY

    Twitter has developed and open sourced CocoaSPDY, a framework for OS X (Cocoa) and iOS (Cocoa Touch) based on the implementation they previously contributed to Netty, updating in the same time their iOS application to use SPDY instead of plain HTTP. Twitter has noticed up to 30% decrease in communication latency, the improvement being more noticeable when an “user’s network conditions get worse.“

  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder Adds Audio Support

    Amazon has recently added audio support for elastic transcoder that provides an ability to convert media files from one format to another without any depending upon about servers, storage and scalability.