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Perst 3.0 Embedded Database Released
McObject has released version 3.0 of its open source embedded database targeted at Java and .NET developers.
Sun's Java iPhone Port Faces Obstacles
Eric Klein, Vice President of Java Marketing, has announced Sun's intention to port the JVM to the iPhone, but multiple obstacles need to be overcome.
Sun SPOTs: Programmable Devices for Java Developers
Sun Microsystems has released the Sun SPOT platform under the GPL license. Sun SPOTs are programmable battery-powered devices controllable with Java technology.
Dalvik, Android's virtual machine, generates significant debate
With the release of Google's Android SDK earlier this week, there was much discussion of the APIs and the expected impact in the mobile space. However, one particular area which generated significant debate in the Java community was the Dalvik virtual machine which is the basis of the Android platform.
Google's Android SDK Bypasses Java ME in Favor of Java Lite and Apache Harmony
Today Google released the Android platform SDK for Open Handset Alliance devices. Android contains a custom Dalvik virtual machine for running applications written in a subset of Java.
Is OSGi the Solution for Mobile Java?
Java ME developers face many obstacles that server-side or desktop Java developers never have to contend with. Nokia, Sprint, and IBM teamed for a JavaOne session that outlined a solution to these problems through an service-oriented architecture based on OSGi
Motorola Challenges Java Developers to Rethink Mobile Computing
Thursday at JavaOne started with a thought provoking keynote by Motorola CTO Padmasree Warrior. Rather than the usual vendor keynote making grand announcements or touting specific accomplishments of her company, Warrior focused on challenging Java developers to think hard about the transformation of the mobile world.
Sun于2006年11月13日宣布在GNU通用公共许可证第2版(GNU General Public License v2, GPLv2)下开放Java SE、Java ME以及 Glassfish的源代码,同时Sun发布了Java SE 7 HotSpot JVM、javac编译器和JavaHelp的早期构建版本。完全可构建的Java SE 7 JDK类库计划于2007年第一季度发布。关于Java管理模式的计划尚未宣布。
Sun open sources Java SE, ME, and Glassfish under GPLv2
Sun today announced that Java SE, Java ME, and Glassfish are being open source under the GNU General Public License version two (GPLv2) with Sun today releasing an early build of the Java SE 7 HotSpot JVM, the javac compiler, and JavaHelp. The fully buildable Java SE 7 JDK classlibraries will be available in Q1 2007. Plans for Java's governance model have not yet been announced.
Java ME Design Guidelines Reduce Porting, Testing, and Maintenance Costs
To help minimize the cost of developing Java ME applications for multiple platforms, Sun and Orange have teamed up to create a set of design guidelines that help developers simplify cross-device development. The goal is to reduce pattern of generating an executable for each device.
Project Orbit: Sun and OpenLaszlo to support J2ME as compile target
OpenLaszlo has teamed up with Sun to extend their platform to also compile J2ME apps. The goal of becoming a multi-platform runtime platform was first announced in June, when OpenLaslzo announced Legals, which would provide cross-browser pure DHTML as a compile target in addition to Flash.