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  • Growing EAI with Apache Camel

    This article comprises practical examples of typical integration challenges and explores how Apache Camel can meet these challenges. These examples are presented in the context of an integration solution that starts simply but grows over time as new integration needs arise. The article concentrates on how Camel helps managing complexity and keeping the team productive.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: ActiveMQ in Action

    In this article, InfoQ spoke with Bruce Snyder, co-author of ActiveMQ in Action book, about the main motivation for writing the book, transaction management and messaging security aspects in ActiveMQ container and emerging trends in the messaging space.

  • An Introduction to SpringSource's Advanced Message Queuing Protocol Support

    This article looks at the problems AMQP is aiming to address, exploring some of the debate and controversy that the draft specification has generated. We talk to SpringSource's Mark Pollack and Mark Fisher, to find out more about their AMQP-based products, and iMatix's Pieter Hintjens about his work on the specification and his concerns around the direction it has taken.

  • A Discussion with Allard Buijze on CQRS with the Axon framework

    The Axon framework is a Java implementation of the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. InfoQ talked with its creator, Allard Buijze, to find out more.

  • BlazeDS and JMS for PHP Developers, Part 2

    In the second and final of our articles on BlazeDS and JMS, InfoQ looks at two additional methods for sending messages to JMS topics or queues from PHP - the PHP/Java Bridge which provides a framework for calling Java classes from PHP scripts using a simple Java façade, and the STOMP protocol.

  • BlazeDS and JMS for PHP Developers, Part 1

    BlazeDS is an open source project from Adobe that allows you to connect your Adobe Flex applications with data services. The Java Messaging Service (JMS) is a method of communicating with services written in Java. In the first of two articles, InfoQ looks at the advantages of JMS and how you can use BlazeDS to communicate with your Java services via JMS from your Flex applications.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Mark Richards' Java Message Service 2nd Edition

    Java Message Service, 2nd Edition, by Mark Richards, covers JMS topics such as the two programming models, publish-and-subscribe and point-to-point, Messaging Filtering and Transactions. InfoQ spoke with Mark about his new book. Topics covered in the interview include EJB 3.0, Spring Message Driven POJO's (MDP)and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) architecture.

  • Communication Flexibility Using Bindings

    In this article, we will look at an important feature of SCA - its support for a wide variety of communication protocols and how to use SCA bindings on services and references to decouple your business code from communication protocols. Finally we'll take a look at the SCA domain to see how bindings operate in and outside the domain.

  • Introduction to ActiveMessaging for Rails

    The maintainer of ActiveMessaging for Ruby on Rails gives a comprehensive and informative introduction to his open-source framework, which enables enterprise messaging technologies to be easily integrated with Ruby on Rails applications, and is getting support from noted industry leaders such as James Strachan and Jon Tirsen.

  • Messaging Interop with JMS & Spring.NET

    Message oriented middleware has long been a popular choice to integrate diverse platforms. Using MOM as a basis for communication between .NET and Java this article demonstrates interoperability between a .NET client and a Java middle tier using the JMS support in the Spring framework, available for .NET as well as Java, to provide a common programming model across both tiers of the application.

  • An Update on Spring 2.0 Final

    Spring 2.0 was initially supposed to come out in June/July, why the delay? InfoQ interviewed the Spring team - based on massive community feedback, the team has chosen to delay the launch to Sept 26th in order work on asynchronous JMS capabilities, JPA, the new JSP form tag library, OSGi integration, documentation, and backwards compatibility.