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InfoQ Homepage JSON Content on InfoQ

  • JSONiq: The JSON Query Language

    JSONiq is a new query language that builds upon XQuery. Like SQL or LINQ, it has syntactic support concepts such as let, for, where, group by, and select.

  • Home Document Format for Non-Browser HTTP Clients

    On behalf of the IETF, Mark Nottingham has recently published a draft of the Home Documents for HTTP APIs specification. Intended for non-browser clients, it provides a way to describe resources available from a particular site as well as possible hints on how to interact with those services.

  • "The Object Network": Data Linking for Web APIs

    Developers are overwhelmed by Web APIs. APIs are being published at an alarming rate exposing a myriad ways to access data which in turn is incompatible with similar objects across other Web APIs. The Object Network is an attempt at universalizing data formats for objects to create a data fabric that leverages the network effects of hyperlinking similar to the Internet.

  • NetworkedHelpDesk's Ticket Sharing API: A Glimpse of the Future of Enterprise APIs

    Collaboration in the enterprise software space has been plagued with process and technology challenges. The advent of lightweight open API specifications from industry associations such as NetworkedHelpDesk alleviate some of these technical challenges and are being touted as examples of what future enterprise APIs will resemble.

  • Rethinking Models in MVC

    Jon Galloway is researching dynamic ASP.NET MVC 3 models using Mono’s Compiler as a Service. Meanwhile Karsten Januszewski is looking into deserialized JSON in lieu of statically typed models.

  • Who Belongs to the 2011 Open APIs Billionaires Club?

    The growth of Open APIs both in numbers and volume has surpassed any expectations over the last decade. John Musser from the ProgrammableWeb presented his analysis of the Open APIs State of the Market for 2011.

  • Using JQuery Mobile and JSON to Create Mobile Applications

    Frank Ableson published an article last week providing a thorough introduction about using jQuery Mobile, JSON, PHP and MySQL to create mobile web applications.

  • WCF Web APIs

    Most developers first use WCF as a way to expose SOAP-based Web Services. But despite the name, Web Services are not really well suited for building web sites. XML and JSON-based REST services are simply a better fit for most projects. Microsoft has recognized this and is working on a project to bring WCF up to date with modern standards.

  • BigPipe at Facebook: Optimizing Page Load Time

    Changhao Jiang, Research Scientist at Facebook, describes a technique, called BigPipe, that contributed to making the Facebook site, "twice as fast." BigPipe is one of several innovations, a "secret weapon," used to achieve the reported performance gains. Another innovation mentioned is architectural in nature, the structuring of Web pages as "pagelets."

  • Json.NET Claims Significant Performance Improvements over Other .NET Serializers

    Json.NET is claiming to offer better serialization and deserialization performance than any of the major serializers in .NET including BinaryFormatter. It even performs well against the remarkably fast DataContractSerizalier.

  • Rails 2.3.3 Released and the State of Rails 3.0 and Merb

    Rails 2.3.3 is now available. Among the usual bug fixes, it adds a few new features like ActiveRecord touch functionality and some JSON related API changes. Also: a look at what's up with Rails 3 and Merb 1.1.

  • REST, Silverlight, and the New York Times

    In a effort to remain relevant in the increasingly difficult news industry, the New York Times has built a REST-based API through the Times Developer Network. To complement this they also teamed up with Microsoft to provide a Silverlight-based toolkit for developers.

  • Best Practices for RESTful JSON Web Services

    Edwin Khodabakchian, ex-Collaxa and BPEL guru, has written up his team's experiences of using JSON+REST as an alternative to XML+SOAP. He covers 7 different phases so far and gives a very practical guide on the do's and don'ts.

  • Is The Atom Publishing Protocol A Failure?

    “The Atom Publishing Protocol is a failure.” Joe Gregorio says, admitting to having met his blogging-hyperbole-quotient for the day. In a post largely about the how the level of adoption that AtomPub is seeing, is far lower than the expectation. Joe writes that “There are still plenty of new protocols being developed on a seemingly daily basis, many of which could have used AtomPub, but don't.”

  • Enhancements in JScript 5.8, the IE8 Scripting Engine

    After a couple of betas, IE8 was finally released last month including version 5.8 of its JScript engine. The main enhancements of the scripting engine are: JSON support, performance optimizations, ECMA 3 compatibility, a profiler plus a debugger.