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  • Apache Tuscany Java 1.1 Released: SCA Meets Web 2.0

    The Apache Tuscany team announced today the 1.1 release of the Java SCA project which adds a number of features including a JMS binding or improved policy support. It also supports an implementation extension for representing client side Javascript applications as SCA components which makes SCA a viable technology to simplify Ajax style implementations using JSONRPC or Atom bindings for instance.

  • Presentation: Scott Davis on Real World Web Services

    In this presentation, recorded at the No Fluff Just Stuff Symposium, Scott Davis provides a pragmatic, down-to-earth introduction to Web services as used in the real world by public sites, including SOAP-based, REST and POX-style examples. While the buzzword density leaves nothing to be desired, the presentation contains a very accessible introduction to the core Web services standards.

  • Dion Hinchliffe: Eleven Emerging Ideas for SOA Architects in 2007

    "Web 2.0" expert Dion Hinchcliffe elaborates on eleven ideas he considers valuable for SOA architects in 2007, most of them connected to merging Web 2.0 and "classical" SOA concepts.

  • Debate: JSON vs. XML as a data interchange format

    The debate about JSON vs. XML as a data interchange format has begun in blogspace, following JSON inventor and architect at Yahoo Douglas Crockford's talk at XML 2006 JSON, the fat-free alternative to XML. Microsoft's XML head Mike Champion weighed in, as well as Sun's Tim Bray and many others.