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  • Road Mapping Your Way to Agile Fluency

    Kelsey van Haaster will give a talk at 1st Conference about how to develop a road map to agile fluency for teams and organisations. InfoQ interviewed her about the possible ways to do an agile fluency assessment, example of findings and improvement opportunities that came out of the assessments and things that she learned, and advice for readers who want to use the agile fluency model.

  • Software Industry Pioneer Ed Yourdon Dies

    Software industry pioneer, prolific author, researcher, consultant and photographer Edward Yourdon died on January 20, 2016

  • Combining User Story Mapping with Domain-Driven Design

    User Story Mapping can be a simple yet valuable pattern when adopting Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in projects dealing with complex domains. It can help creating shared domain knowledge among developers and domain experts, Eriksen Costa claims in a blog post discussing advantages combining User Story Mapping with Domain-Driven Design (DDD).

  • Moving from a Monolithic to a Microservices Architecture

    Moving from a monolith to microservices the only value business stakeholders care about is reducing cost. It will not increase or protect revenue and neither scaling nor distribution are good reasons that will convince the business, Ian Cooper claimed in his presentation at this year’s Microservices Conference in London describing guidelines moving from a monolith to a microservices architecture.

  • Scaling Without Blueprints and the Agile Scaling Cycle

    InfoQ interviewed Stefan Roock about adding XP practices to Scrum, why using an agile framework as a blueprint for designing the organization is a premature optimization and why culture and principles are more important than practices. Roock also explains the agile scaling cycle with examples of how it can be used, and talks about the benefits and pitfalls of this approach for agile scaling.

  • Having the Right Mix of IT, Culture and Practice for DevOps

    An interview with Nicole Forsgren about why organizations are starting to embrace DevOps methods, how being able to deploy fast can also increase IT stability, what to focus upon when changing the organizational culture to improve performance, how lean management can help to increase the performance, and asked her for advice when organizations want to apply DevOps to increase their performance.

  • Agile Testers can be a Harlequin

    Agile testers can signal and question the (testing) process. Marnix van den Ent gave a talk at the Agile Testing Days 2015 in which he explained how he views testers as a harlequin: "a servant to the team and its process, like the Italian Harlequin he is there to help to understand what is happening". An interview about developing an art of questioning, XP practices and retrospectives.

  • Uncle Bob Proposes an Oath to Programmers

    Uncle Bob proposes an oath to software programmers as other professions have, considering the importance of this craftsmanship.

  • Q&A with David Anderson on Enterprise Services Planning

    Enterprise Services Planning is a way of planning, scheduling, sequencing, and selecting work for professional services. It extends Kanban for enterprise-wide service improvement. InfoQ interviewed Anderson about what Enterprise Services Planning (ESP) aims to deliver, how it can be used to manage risks, how cost of delay can be used inside ESP, and why feedback loops are important in ESP.

  • Scala Experimental Platform Dotty Bootstraps

    Dotty, a platform aimed to develop new technology for Scala tooling as well as try out new concepts for future Scala versions, has reached bootstrap status. This means that its compiler is written in Dotty and can compile itself, thus providing a drop-in replacement for the original one. InfoQ has spoken with Dotty major contributor Dmitry Petrashko.

  • Managing Project Portfolios with Obeya Rooms

    Obeya is a management approach that uses war rooms and visualization for managing projects. InfoQ did an interview with Malika Mir about why she decided to implement Obeya, how they are using Obeya to manage project portfolios, their experiences with Obeya and the benefits that they have got from it.

  • Domain Events and Eventual Consistency

    Eventual consistency is a design approach for improving scalability and performance. Domain events, a tactical element in Domain-Driven Design (DDD), can help in facilitating eventual consistency, Florin Preda and Mike Mogosanu writes in separate blog posts, each describing the advantages achievable.

  • Nexus Guide for Scrum is Published

    Nexus is a framework for developing and sustaining large software development projects. The Nexus Guide can be used next to the Scrum Guide to scale Scrum and support the integrated effort of multiple software development teams.

  • Playing Games with the Agile Essentials

    The agile essentials from Ivar Jacobson International is a starter kit of agile practices, provided as a deck of cards. Teams can play games with these cards to learn agile practices and inspect and adapt their way of working.

  • Dino Esposito on CQRS, Messages and Events

    Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is the starting point of a change that will have a profound impact on system architecture, Dino Esposito claims in three articles in MSDN Magazine. It’s the first step in an evolution transitioning software architects from the idea of “models-to-persist” to the idea of “events-to-log” and about event-based data instead of data snapshots.