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InfoQ eMag: Java 8

The release of Java 8 was considered a game changer for the Java platform. With new features like lambda expressions, streams, and the new Date and Time APIs, the Java 8 release demonstrates that a language can be modernized without compromising stability or backward compatibility.

In this eMag, InfoQ takes practitioners on a visit with Java 8, exploring how we got here and how we should be moving forward with it.

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Contents of the Java 8 eMag include:

  • Java 7 Features That Enable Java 8 - In this article, Ben Evans explores some features in Java 7 which lay the groundwork for the new features in Java 8.
  • How Functional Is Java 8? - It's been said that Java 8 is bringing Functional Programming to Java. By looking at the evolution of Java - particularly its type system, we can see how the new features of Java 8, especially lambda expressions, change the landscape, and provide some key benefits of the functional programming style.
  • Clarifying Lambdas in Java 8 - Simon Ritter discusses the syntax and use of Lambda expressions, focusing on using Streams to greatly simplify the way bulk and aggregate operations are handled in Java.
  • Intuitive, Robust Date and Time Handling Finally Comes to Java - Date and time are fundamental concepts to many applications, yet Java SE had no good API to handle them; until now! With Java SE 8, java.time provides a well-structured API to cover date and time. In this article, JSR-310 (Java Date and Time API's) spec-lead and Jodatime author Stephen Colbourne discusses the new API's as well as the background for Date and Time handling in Java 8.
  • Type Annotations in Java 8: Tools and Opportunities - With Java 8, annotations can be written not only on declarations, but on any use of a type such as types in declarations, generics, and casts. This article introduces the new type annotation syntax and practical tools to boost productivity and build higher-quality software.
  • Where Has the Java PermGen Gone? - Prior to JDK8 class metadata and constants would live in an area called the “permanent generation”, contiguous with the Java heap. One problem was that If the class metadata size is beyond the allocated bounds your app would run out of memory. With the advent of JDK8 we no longer have PermGen. The space where it was held has now moved to native memory to an area known as the “Metaspace”.
  • Nashorn: The Combined Power of Java and JavaScript in JDK 8 - With JDK 8, Nashorn replaces Rhino as Java’s standard JavaScript engine for the benefit of improved performance and compatibility. Avatar.js brings the popular Node framework’s programming model to Nashorn, enabling many JavaScript server applications to run in a Java environment. In this article JavaScript expert Oliver Zeigermann explains the hows and the why's.
  • Great Java 8 Features No One's Talking about - In this article Tal Weiss focuses on some lesser known API's in the new Java 8.

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