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InfoQ Homepage Guides The JHipster Mini-Book 7.0

The JHipster Mini-Book 7.0


The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster. JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular (or React/Vue) web applications and microservices. This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques, and options you can use. Then, it shows you how to secure your data and deploy your app to Heroku. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

The latest edition (v7.0) is updated for JHipster 7. This edition includes an updated microservices section that features WebFlux and micro frontends with React.

Purpose of the book:

To provide free information to the JHipster community. I've used many of the frameworks that JHipster supports and I like how it integrates them. I think building web and mobile applications with Angular, Bootstrap and Spring Boot is a great experience and I'd like to encourage more developers to try it.

Here is the blog for the JHipster Mini-Book and you can also follow it on Twitter.

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Table of Contents:

  • The JHipster Mini-Book
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
    •     What is in an InfoQ mini-book?
    •     Who is this book for?
    •     What you need for this book
    •     Conventions
    •     Reader feedback
  • Introduction
  • Building an app with JHipster
    •     Creating the application
    •     Building the UI and business logic
    •     Application improvements
    •     Deploying to Heroku
    •     Monitoring and analytics
    •     Securing user data
    •     Continuous integration and deployment
    •     Code quality
    •     Progressive web apps
    •     Source code
    •     Summary
  • JHipster's UI components
    •     Angular
    •     Bootstrap
    •     Internationalization (i18n)
    •     Sass
    •     Webpack
    •     WebSockets
    •     Browsersync
    •     Summary
  • JHipster's API building blocks
    •     Spring Boot
    •     Spring WebFlux
    •     Maven versus Gradle
    •     IDE support: Running, debugging, and profiling
    •     Security
    •     JPA versus MongoDB versus Cassandra
    •     Liquibase
    •     Elasticsearch
    •     Deployment
    •     Summary
  • Microservices with JHipster
    •     History of microservices
    •     Why microservices?
    •     Reactive Java microservices with JHipster
    •     Generate an API gateway and microservice applications
    •     Run your microservices architecture
    •     Build and run with Docker
    •     Switch identity providers
    •     Deploy with Kubernetes
    •     Source code
    •     Summary
  • Action!
    •     Additional reading