- No concurrency, the default, and currently supported behavior: the bean does not support concurrent clients. The container is permitted to throw a ConcurrentAccessException if two requests arrive simultaneously.
- Bean-managed concurrency: the bean supports concurrent access by multiple threads, and is responsible for managing access to volatile data structures.
- Container-managed concurrency: the bean supports concurrent clients, and the container is responsible for ensuring that concurrent threads are serialized before entering the bean implementation.
The second item Gavin proposes is Lightweight asynchronicity. He argues that the current options of JMS and EJB timers are not enough. In addition he advocates more than one @Timeout method per bean and enhanced scheduling options. The third item mentioned is stateful web service endpoints:
...Currently, only stateless session beans may function as web service endpoints. With some integration with WS-Contexts or WS-Addessing (or whatever WS-blahblah is appropriate), we would be able to support a stateful session bean that acts as a web service endpoint. I don't know exactly what this would look like yet, but we are trialing some stuff in Seam/WS that is probably relevant...
Gavin rounds out his wish-list with an optional business interface for EJB's, Simplified JMS/JavaMail, Enhanced Logging injection, EJB meta-annotations. He argues in respect to an optional business interface:
Currently, EJB mandates that all session beans have some @Local or @Remote interface. This was not an unreasonable requirement when session beans were understood to exist in a business tier, with a well-defined API sitting between the business logic and the client. ... Especially in an environment like Seam, where the only client of a bean might be a JSF page with EL expressions, the interface looks totally redundant! ... The interface should be optional, and when it is missing, the public methods of the bean class should be taken as the business methods of the session bean...