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InfoQ Homepage News SharpDevelop 3.0 Enters Beta

SharpDevelop 3.0 Enters Beta

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Last month on February 19th, Christoph Wille announced the beta 1 of SharpDevelop 3.0 to support the .NET Framework version 3.5.  This latest release will still support multi-targetting different versions of the .NET Framework.  As of March 4th, the ShareDevelop project now maintains a dual site on CodePlex.

The new additions to this release are:

  • Parallel build support for mutli-core machines
  • New language support
    • IronPython
    • F#
  • Code completion in C#
  • A new debugging infrastructure which has been re-written

Feature changes to the IDE environment:

  • NDoc has been replaced with Sandcastle
  • PartCover will replace NCover
  • WiX 3.0 has been added
  • Mono and NAnt are no longer included in setup but still supported as seperate installs

As to why Mono support has changed in this pending release Chris indicated:

The decision to "relegate" Mono from production to sample status has been based on multiple factors. For one, we only support basic compilation for Mono, no debugger nor any kind of visual designers (like GTK#). We got lots of support questions regarding these, and the honest answer had to be "we won't support that, sorry". Then in December Miguel announced that MonoDevelop will come to Windows (MonoDevelop is a fork of SharpDevelop), which meant that an IDE would come to Windows that fully supports all the things in Mono we don't have.


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