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InfoQ Homepage News Identity Developer Training Kit Based On Microsoft 'Geneva' Released

Identity Developer Training Kit Based On Microsoft 'Geneva' Released

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Microsoft released an identity developer training kit, following closely on the heels of the release of Geneva Beta 2 at Teched. The training kit is a set of hands-on labs and resources designed to help developers to take advantage of Microsoft’s identity products and services. The Geneva Framework is the basis of the training kit; and also gives guidance on using it Geneva Server, Windows Live ID, the Microsoft Federation Gateway and the .NET Access Control Service.

“Geneva” is the code-name for Microsofts’ claims-based access (CBA) platform strategy. It includes the "Geneva" Framework, "Geneva" Server, and Windows CardSpace "Geneva." The Geneva Framework provides developers with tools to build claims-based applications and services that involve tokens issued by a Security Token Service (STS), as well as tools for building a custom STS and for building Windows CardSpace-enabled applications

Vittorio Bertocci, an Architect Evangelist at Microsoft about the goals of the training kit.

We took special care to follow a progressive approach, in which we introduce concepts and ideas gradually: however we made sure that every single step is useful for solving a real-life problem,

The idea was to cover many of the scenarios that we are often asked about in forums and customer discussions, but also to present things in the right order so that application developers can learn to use geneva framework without necessarily having to understand the entire stack. The kit tried to be respectful of that, but also kept into account the needs of the ones that want to know what really happens in the kitchen.

The training materials contains Hands on Labs (HOL), that are categorized by practical usage scenarios of the Geneva Framework. The training material is naturally geared towards the solutions on the Microsoft stack. Vittorio provides details  of what is included in the training kit and mentions the various scenarios and topics covered in the HOL.

Web Sites and Identity

  • Enabling claims based access for an ASP.NET Web Application by generating a local STS
  • Customizing the Credentials Accepted by a Local STS
  • Accepting Tokens from a Geneva Server STS
  • Accepting Tokens from Live ID
  • Accepting Tokens from .NET Access Control Service
  • Invoking a WCF Service on the Backend via Delegated Access

Web Services and Identity

  • Using Geneva Framework for Handling Authentication and Authorization in a WCF Service
  • Accepting Tokens from a Geneva Server STS
  • Accepting Tokens from .NET Access Control Service
  • Invoking a WCF Service on the Backend via Delegated Access

Enhancing ASP.NET Membership Provider Website with identity provider Capabilities

Introduction to the .NET Access Control Service

More information is available at Vittorio’s blog and the Geneva Team blog.

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