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Agile and the Crutches of False Confidence

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False confidence is often grounded in wishful thinking. It is defined as a state where the projected reality and the actual reality might differ considerably, however for a limited period of time, it does give a feeling of having everything under control. There are many such situations in Agile development which make a team hold onto the false confidence crutch only to fall later.

Mike Griffiths, quoted a session by Malcom Gladwell where the level of false confidence was related to the level of information presented. He quoted an example about psychiatrists who were presented with information about patients. With one paragraph of information, their confidence level was 25% and the accuracy of their assessment was about 25%. On the flip side when they were presented with increasing volume of data slowly amounting to 10 pages of information, their accuracy increased marginally to 29% however their confidence increased to 90%.

Matt suggested that some companies are in the business of manufacturing confidence. They use specs, documents, and process as things to lean on. These crutches give them a false confidence that nothing will go terribly wrong.

The problem is when you build confidence with documents and all that, you are nailing yourself down to assumptions that are probably wrong (assumptions always seem to fall by the wayside once things get real). Yeah, you may feel better that you have a recipe written down. But if it’s a recipe for failure, what’s the point?

The same goes for testing. J.B.Rainsberger mentioned that "Integration Tests are a Scam”. The reason being that depending on the kind of integration tests written, a team could get a feeling of false confidence. According to Mark Needham, this holds true for unit tests as well

It's important to ensure that our unit tests are actually testing something useful otherwise the cost of writing and maintaining them will outweigh the benefits that we derive from doing so.

Likewise, Doug Rathbone mentioned that many teams are satisfied having an automated build in place. The key however, is not to have an automated build but to have an ability to automatically take that build and deploy it.

If you cannot deploy from that build in an automated fashion you are simply moving the dependency on human error further down the chain of production, while at the same time giving yourself false confidence in you ability to ship a project with ease.

Another phenomenon which gives false confidence to the stakeholders is the notion of code freeze. Jonathan Leffler asked an intriguing question about the value of false confidence provided by pretending to be in code freeze situation.

I suspect that calling these situations a "Code Freeze" is some sort of willful Double Think to provide false confidence to stake holders. Or we are pretending to be in a "Code Freeze" situation because according to Scrum after every sprint we should have a shippable piece of software and it is the expectation we are following Scrum. So we must call it what Scrum expects instead of what it really is.

Another, huge area for false confidence building is related to specifications. According to Mike,

Specifications are another area prone to mis-calibration errors too. When we spend a lot of time gathering specifications, validating specifications and elaborating alternative flows and exceptions we build a sense of confidence in them.

What other crutches do you see in your projects which help in building false confidence but do not add value?

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