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InfoQ Homepage News QCon London 2018 - Presentations about Security

QCon London 2018 - Presentations about Security

Encryption Without Magic, Risk Mngmnt Without Pain
Anastasiia Voitova
Security Enthusiast & Product Engineer @cossacklabs


Developers as a Malware Distribution Vehicle
Guy Podjarny
Co-founder @SnykSec


Bigger, Faster and More Secure
Laura Bell
Founder of SafeStack


EternalBlue: Exploit Analysis and beyond
Emma McCall
Security Analyst at Riot Games


Security Champions: Only You Can Prevent File Forgery
Marisa Fagan
Product Security Lead at Synopsys


Attack Trees, Security Modeling for Agile Teams
Michael Brunton-Spall
Independent Cybersecurity consultant


Guardians of the Galaxy: Architecting a Culture of Secure Software
Laura Bell, Founder of SafeStack


Making Security Usable: Product Engineer Perspective
Anastasiia Voitova
Product Engineer at Cossacklabs


Data Security Dreams and Nightmares
Alex Holden
Founder and CISO of Hold Security


Defense in Depth: in Depth
Chelsea Komlo
Software Engineer at HashiCorp


Seven Strategies for Scaling Product Security
Angelo Prado
Senior Director of Application Security at / Walmart


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