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InfoQ Homepage News Platform9 Releases Managed Kubernetes Service on VMWare vSphere

Platform9 Releases Managed Kubernetes Service on VMWare vSphere

Platform9, a SaaS-managed hybrid cloud provider, released a fully managed Kubernetes service on VMWare vSphere. This service is provided with a 99.9% uptime guarantee and live monitoring. This service provides the open source version of Kubernetes with no code forks.

Platform9's addition of support for vSphere is the first SaaS-managed provider of Kubernetes on vSphere. While Pivotal's Pivotal Container Service (PKS) can run on top of vSphere, it is a self-hosted solution.

According to Platform9, their managed solution is provided with a 99.9% uptime SLA guarantee and round the clock live monitoring of the service. As part of their service offering, Platform9 will address all necessary patching, upgrades, and management.

This new service integrates with Fission, Platform9's serverless framework for Kubernetes. It also is supported by their existing UI that provides a view across your managed clusters and hosting centers.

As with many of the hosted Kubernetes solutions, Platform9's installation of Kubernetes is pulled from the open source Kubernetes repository with no code forks. Kubernetes maintains a list of hosted solution providers on their website.

Along with vSphere, Platform9's Kubernetes service also supports Linux/KVM, OpenStack, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, as well as a bare metal integration. More details on their managed Kubernetes offering as well as vSphere support can be found on Platform9's website.

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